Welcome Back Home! (M)

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:37 pm

In normal fashion, a crack of lightning and a swirling, blue vortex opens amid a quiet evening in Tokyo. However, instead of Ness and Cedrick tumbling out, a black firebird, with a red scanning bar on the front, comes roaring out of the vortex! K.I.T.T. lands hard and screeches to a stop as the vortex closes! Ness gets out and looks around, followed by Cedrick. K.I.T.T., for his part, stays in his vehicle form.

Ness pulls out his tricorder and takes some scans, mumbling to himself "I think..." he starts, looking over his reading again "That we're back in your original dimension..." he says as he puts his tricorder away "However, according to my reading, a little over a year had pasted from the time we left..." he mumbles.

Cedrick was frowning slightly "And yet..." she also starts "Nothing seems to have changed. At all." she states "It is almost like the Entity had never attacked." she says in a low tone.

K.I.T.T. slowly rolls over "You both make it sound as if something truly disastrous had happened..." he says "And yet, I am not picking up anything unusual disastrous." he points out.

Ness nods "Yeah and that's the problem." he says "Just before we left, the first Primal had begun a war to end everything there would ever be and No one could stop it. The only choice me and Cedrick had, was to flee from his sphere of influence." he explains "Once out of that, he would no longer pose a threat to us, because if he tried to follow, he would be pretty much powerless." he looks around "Still, it looks like nothing's happened at All here..." he mumbles.

K.I.T.T. scans the area and confirms what Ness had said earlier "Then I would think that if your planet isn't reduced to total nothingness, that you would be relieved." K.I.T.T. points out.

Ness nods "While this isn't my home dimension, I'm happy it's still here." he says "That would explain how Calvine was still around and possibly why he didn't know anything about what happened." Ness mumbles the last part.

Cedrick looks at Ness "What was that last part?" she asks. Though she has a heightened sense of hearing, she wasn't paying attention to Ness at the moment. Trying to, instead, to get in contact with her mother, Regina, to find out what had happened after her and Ness left.

Ness shakes his head "Nothing. Let's find out why I'm back here." he says as he, Cedrick and K.I.T.T. start off.

Last edited by namey on Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:01 pm

It was a few hours of wandering around and Cedrick suggested they stop for a quick rest. Ness ordered them some drinks and when he gets back, Cedrick decided to ask Ness something "I have been thinking of something..." she starts "What if we are not here for you, but rather we are here because of me?" she asks.

Ness nods "That thought has occurred to me as well." he says as he takes a few sips of his drink "And it would make much more sense then for any reasons I would be here." he points out.

"And why would you say that?" K.I.T.T. asks. Cedrick nods in agreement as to why Ness would say that. Seeing as how every world they've been to had something to do with Ness.

Ness shakes his head "Not every world..." he says, as if reading Cedrick's  mind "When we went to Skyrim, you were the one who brought us there and it was you who could have saved it." he points out "I just jumped in because I could have saved both you and Skyrim." he says.

Cedrick suspected that was the case, originally. But, she kept quite and finished her drink, then stands up "And I have a feeling I know what it is I am suppose to do here." she says in a stern tone "Now that I have returned, I must protect this world from those who would do it and those on it harm." she says.

Last edited by namey on Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:06 am

It's been about a week since Ness, Cedrick and K.I.T.T. had arrived back in this world. They had broken up a few scuffles here and there, but nothing major. Nothing to suggest why either of them were here. Hell, for all they knew, it could be because of K.I.T.T. that they're here.

They were resting for the night and Cedrick comes out of the shower, towel wrapped around her slender body. She sits on the bed while Ness was working on something 'high tech' "You know, I have been thinking something over for a bit now and I believe I have a good idea why we, more to the point, I am back here." she says in an even tone.

Ness looks up from his work slightly, then goes back to it "You think it might have something to do with Anita, right?" he asks "I've been giving this a fare amount of thought as well and I think you might be right." he says.

Cedrick nods slightly. She was use to Ness seemingly always knowing what was going on and what she was thinking. He is, after all, a psychic. "If I am back here, that must mean she is in trouble and we have to find her." she states.

Ness nods in agreement "And you can be sure that she's in the city somewhere. Otherwise we wouldn't have arrived here." Ness points out "It's just a matter of finding her, which should be easy once I tune this scanner to pick up your unique type of energy." he says.

The two of them fall silent and Ness working is the only thing that can be heard in the room. Cedrick gets up and drops the towel, getting changed into her night clothes. Which consisted of a black button-up night shirt and black lace panties. Cedrick was thinking about bringing up the fact that they hadn't done anything since Skyrim and she was wondering if it was because of her, but she kept silent. Chances were good that Ness already knew what she was thinking.

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:45 pm

Ness was working on his tricorder almost all the time now. Looking for Anita, trying to find out what's happened to him in Skyrim. He puts it away for the night and looks at Cedrick "You look quite lovely tonight." he says with a smile.

Cedrick had to fight with Every ounce of her will power to keep from blushing. Ever since Skyrim, she's noticed it's been harder and harder to keep her emotions in check. It started out with small things, things she found funny or things that made her mad. She kept this all hidden from Ness, of course. But then, it was hard to hide anything from him for long.

She nods slightly "Thank you." she says as she walks over to the bed and lays down. She was laying flat on her back, but kept tabs on everything that happened in the room. Ness wandered off to the bathroom and jumped in the shower next. She wondered if this time was going to be different from all the other times they slept in the same room. She would take the bed and Ness would sleep on the ground.

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:35 pm

Ness comes out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. He has an impressive physique. Well toned but not overly muscled. That gave him an advantage in most situations and it was Very nice to look at. Cedrick felt herself getting a bit warm, which was a trick, since her body temperature was lower then average.

Ness took notice of Cedrick's leering eyes and looks over to her "Is something on your mind?" he asks, already knowing that there Was something on Cedrick's mind. This was just to get her to talk with him. It could be kind of hard to get her to open up at times.

Cedrick averts her grey eyes "It is nothing that is of any concern." she mumbles as she turns over, her back to Ness.

He walks over and sits on the bed, gently placing a hand on her soft, shapely hip "Listen, I know it's hard doing what we do, but if we can't talk with each other, then that make things even harder for the two of us." he says as he rolls her on her back to face him "So, what's on your mind?" he asks.

Cedrick shrugs lightly "It is nothing important." she says "I was just wondering, why, since Skyrim, have we not gotten intimate with one another?" she asks "Not even so much as holding hands..." she mumbles.

Ness could see this was bothering her and that she had this on her mind for sometime, but he didn't want to hurt her feelings that he knew were there "Truthfully?" he asks.

Cedrick looks at him "Am I deserving of anything less?" she asks.

Ness shakes his head "No. In truth, I never did anything or made any moves towards you out of respect for you." he says "I figured that if you wished to pursue this any farther, that you would be the one to make all the moves." he explains.

Cedrick frowns slightly "And why would you assume that?" she asks "In Skyrim I did 'make the first move', as you say. But that was because...no one else in my life would..." she mumbles the last part.

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:53 pm

Ness nods slowly "I can understand that..." he mumbles "It's been sometime since I've been able to open up to anyone, let alone trust anyone enough to let them get close." he says.

Cedrick had propped herself up on her elbows and Ness runs his hand through her hair "You know..." he starts, but was cut off as his tricorder starts beeping. Ness frowns "How's that for timing..." he mumbles as he gets up and heads over to his backpack.

Cedrick knew what he was thinking, cock-blocked by his own tool. He must be feeling a bit blue in the balls right about now. She had seen that look on his face before on Skyrim. But now, the mood was ruined.

Ness looks over his instruments "I have a lock on the specified energy signature..." he mumbles "This is odd...it's reading Three energy signatures...one here, you, and two others both somewhere in Tokyo..." he says.

Cedrick gets up "Three...I can understand two of them, but three?" she asks, then she takes off her button up shirt and grabs her tank top and shorts "We must find out what these energies are." she says as she gets her boots on.

Ness nods as he drops his towel and gets his clothes on "One of those energies is exactly like yours, meaning it's Anita, but the other...it's like yours but different." he mumbles as he gets his things "We'll pick up where we left off." he says as he heads out, followed by Cedrick.

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:45 pm

Ness and Cedrick jump in K.I.T.T. and head off. K.I.T.T. was doing the driving while Ness was directing him. They got to an old amusement park and stops. Ness gets out, followed by Cedrick "We'll handle things from here, Kitt. You hang back and monitor things here. If it looks like we can't handle things, then feel free to jump in." he says.

"Understood, Ness." he says as he pulls back out of view, but Ness could still see his scanning bar, which meant he was on high alert for danger "Do you have your ear wig?" he asks "I'll keep in contact and give you the heads up on the situation." he says.

Ness nods and he and Cedrick head on in. It looked deserted and it was kind of creepy in it's own right. Both Ness and Cedrick couldn't see any signs of life "It seems like they are hiding." she says "Are you going to use a psychic pulse to locate them?" she asks.

Ness looks at his tricorder, then back at the amusement park "According to this, Anita is somewhere in here, but yes, I think it's best to know where everyone is here." he says as he puts his hand on the outer gate "Okay, I got them." he says as he motions for Cedrick to follow, it's time to mix it up.

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:30 pm

Ness and Cedrick head into the amusement park "We're dealing with chakra user. Ninja most likely." he says and notices the scowl on Cedrick's face. He recalled what Monica had told him about what happened to her. How she died because of chakra using ninja.

Still, she had her beam saber and Hylian blaster in hand, ready to take to the ninja. All her senses were on high alert for anything. She knew Ness was wired for movement as well. Still, she didn't like what they would be facing "Do we know how many we will be facing against?" she asks.

Ness nods "About twenty or so." he says "And it's a good bet that they know we're here already, so be extra careful." he says, knowing that he didn't have to tell her that. But still, he was confident in his ability to block Their abilities, but he wasn't sure if Cedrick could or not.

Ness points "Movement!" he hisses as Cedrick levels her blaster at where Ness had pointed and fires! She clips someone who had Just landed silently in that spot, as if Ness knew that person was going to land there before he did.

Suddenly, all hell breaks loose! There were about ten ninja suddenly surrounding them, all throwing kuni at the same time! Fortunantly Ness catches all of them with his telekinesis, then throws them all back! His targets try to dodge out of the way, but Ness directs the weapons at them, no matter where they try to dodge!

Cedrick was firing her blaster at targets, but they were just as fast as she could aim. One of the ninja uses a fireball jutsu at Cedrick and Ness! Ness jumps out of the way, only to get caught in a water prison jutsu! Cedrick, however, just lets the fireball hit her, knowing it wouldn't do any damage to her.

In fact, the attack actually helped Cedrick out. She scoops up the fire and starts throwing it back at the ninja attacking her. Ness, for his part, uses his PK Barrier to absorb the chakra energy in the water prison jutsu, thus rendering the attack useless. Then he uses his telekinesis to throw his would-be attacker against a wall!

But Ness doesn't stop there, he picks up all ten of the attacking ninja and sends them flying, with great force, into various objects! When they were all rendered unconscious, two more jump down. One with two blades and another with a strange, pink aura surrounding her. The aura takes the shape of a mechanical skeleton, then forms into a protective, humanoid form around the young woman.

Ness looks at them "The one with the swords is Anita. I'll handle the one with the aura." he says as Cedrick moves next to Ness.

She was looking at the one with the aura closely "What is that thing?" she asks in a low voice.

Ness nods "That's Susanoo. A special chakra shield that members of the Uchiha clan can use. It's said to be impervious to most attacks." he explains "However, in truth, it's only as strong as it's user. People who can manipulate air, sound and light have a distinct advantage against those who use Susanoo. I'll be fine. You just snap Anita out of the Tsukuyomi induced genjutsu." he says as the two get ready to face off against their respective foes.

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:38 pm

Anita groans and rolls over, her eyes slowly opening and coming into focus. She was in a bed somewhere. She guessed a hotel room. She was wearing a black button up shirt and there was someone else in the room. It was Ness! She slowly sits up and looks at him "What happened? Why are you here?" she asks slowly, still foggy.

Ness hands Anita a glass of water "What happened was you were in a Tsukuyomi induced genjutsu for about a month and were Just now snapped out of it." he says "And as it turns out, I'm not the reason we're back in this dimension." he points out.

Anita gulps the water down "A month? I was out of it for a month?" she asks, but doesn't sound completely surprised. She rolls her head slowly, then her arms "Thank you for finally snapping me out of it, but next time do you think you can go easier on me?" she asks with a slight smile.

Ness shrugs "If it were me whom you were fighting, then yeah. I would have taken it a lot easier on you. But it wasn't." he says.

Anita frowns slightly "If...it wasn't you, then who was it..." she looks at her current attire, black button up shirt and black lace panties "And for that matter, who's clothes are these?" she asks.

Ness sighs slightly "Okay, before I answer Those questions, I feel I should point out a few things." he says, holding up a hand "First, she's Not the same person she was three and a half years ago..." he states "She's been with me and we've been helping people from dimension to dimension." he explains "Second and most important, she's beaten you before when you Weren't dead tired, so don't think to attack her." he warns.

This gets a frown from Anita as Ness walks over to the bathroom "Go ahead and come on out." he says. The door opens and Anita sees the Last person she would have expected to have saved her. Anita's arch enemy, Cedrick 'The Unsouled' Darkside!

Despite Ness's warning, Anita jumps out of the bed, ready to fight! But she was still very weak from not only the beat down Cedrick gave her, but from being caught in a powerful genjutsu for so long. She doesn't even manage to make it completely out of the bed before she runs out of steam. She was completely exhausted!

Cedrick holds up a hand "Wait. I am no enemy of yours, nor do I seek to replace you in this dimension." she says "In fact, I believe I have returned to my home world to help you in your quest." she explains "What Ness said was true. I have seen the error in my ways and my thinking." she assures "Now I try my best to atone for my past..." she mumbles the last part.

Anita looks Cedrick over closely "That's right. You can tell that she speaks the truth, because she no longer has the aura of an evil person." Ness points out what Anita was looking for.

Still, this didn't put Anita at ease "She's killed hundreds of innocents and you think that just because she's 'Seen the error of her thinking' and is helping now, that makes up for her past?" Anita asks, sounding heated.

Ness shakes his head "No. But the life that she had lost does." he says "Cedrick had already died for her crimes and she's been given a second chance do make amends for those crimes by doing what she was meant to do, help those like her and yourself." he points out "Do you think that she should just keep paying for those lives over and over to the ends of Oblivion? Or does she, like everyone, deserve a second chance?" he asks.

Anita frowns "Yes...Everyone deserves a second chance..." she mumbles "Even someone like Cedrick." she says in a low voice "I had mine when I came here...I should have died on my own world, but somehow I ended up here instead. So, I guess it's only fair that she be allowed one as well." she says.

Ness nods, satisfied "Good. Because those are Cedrick's clothes you're wearing." he says, then looks to Cedrick "Hey, would you be willing to head to a store and get Anita something to wear and maybe something to eat?" he asks. Cedrick nods and heads out without a word.

Anita lays back on the bed, but doesn't cover herself back up. Ness had seen her almost completely naked before, so it wasn't anything new to her "I know this is going to take some getting use to, but try to think of it this way. You now have a sister to help you in your quest." he points out.

Anita closes her eyes for a bit, thinking. She never had a sister before. The closest thing would have been Monica, but she hadn't heard from her since they went their separate ways. She knew and trusted Ness's opinion on matters and even her own senses were telling her Cedrick wasn't the same. She opens her eyes and nods "Alright. I'll give this a shot and try to make this work." she says finally "Who knows, it might be fun to have a sister." she says.

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:43 am

Ness nods "You might want to clean yourself up. Cedrick did an okay job getting most of the blood and dirt off, but it's probably best you grab a quick shower while Cedrick's out." he advises "She likes to take her time in the shower and uses up most of the hot water." he says.

Anita nods and gets out of bed, still a bit groggy she wanders into the bathroom, closes the door (not that she doesn't trust Ness not to peek) and strips down, then gets under the shower spray. She had a great deal of thinking to do. She wondered how Adell and Monica would react if they knew Cedrick was one of the good guys now.

Anita was standing there as the water ran down her smooth body, She was looking at herself in the process. They were the same and yet, very different, her and Cedrick. They had the same bodies, granted Anita had a few more pounds then Cedrick. They had the same powers, granted Cedrick has a few more gems then Anita. But totally different personalities. Cedrick was cold and emotionless and seemed to have No problem with taking lives. While Anita was a very warm person who acted on her emotions and always had a problem when it came to taking lives.

Anita had washed all the blood and grime off and was drying herself off, thinking how things could have gone wrong for her, like they had for Cedrick. To her knowledge, the only thing different from her and Cedrick, was how their respective fathers treated them. Cedrick's was cruel and always blaming Cedrick for everything that went wrong in their lives, while Anita's was understanding and protective of her *How different things must have been for us.* she thinks as she wraps a towel around herself and wanders out of the bathroom.

Ness looks up from his work, then goes back to it "Got tired of wearing Cedrick's clothes?" he asks "I would have thought you would have been a bit more cautious around me when it comes to what you wear or don't wear." he points out.

Anita shrugs as she sits on the bed "I guess it really doesn't matter, does it?" she says "Me and Cedrick have the exact same bodies, so if you've seen her naked, which I'm sure you have, then you've seen me naked too." she also points out.

Ness nods "Good point. However, there Are differences in your bodies. You have a few more pounds on you then Cedrick. She's got a lighter complexion then you and hair obviously is longer then yours." he says, but other then that, they were pretty much the same person.

He looks over to Anita "Just wondering, you said you were sure that I had seen Cedrick naked. What do you base that assumption on?" he asks.

Anita shrugs "A healthy young man and a beautiful young woman traveling together for, what did you say, three and a half years?" she says "I know about how much sexual tension can build up in a situation like that and even though she might not have her emotions, she still feels sexual urges like any normal, healthy young woman would." she says.

Ness nods "You're right. I have seen Cedrick in various states of undress on many occasions." he confirms "She's never been too worried about who sees her naked. Especially once she gets to know someone." he says.

Anita nods "I've noticed the samething about myself as well. I guess it must be genetics or something." she mumbles "So..." she scoots closer to Ness "Did you and Cedrick 'Do' it?" she asks "Is she wild in bed or is she passive? What kind of noises does she make? Come on, I want detales on her." she says.

Ness frowns "Personally, I don't think it's any of your business what Cedrick and I do in our free time." he says as he goes back to work.

Anita frowns as well "Well, if I'm going to be traveling with you two, I would like to know all I can about what I can. Including sexual habits, so I don't intrude on intimate moments." she says in an even tone.

Ness sighs "Fine. Me and Cedrick Have been intimate with eachother in the past, but we haven't done anything in months." he says in a low tone.

Anita nods slowly "So that means there's a good deal of sexual tension building up between you two, right?" she asks "Well, when she gets back, you two should take a half an hour to yourselves and have fun." she suggests.

Ness shrugs "The last time we made love it lasted for about four hours." he states simply.

Anita gets a stunned look on her face "Holy crap!" she says in surprise "Adell never lasted that long..." she mumbles "Maybe next time I can join in." she teases, sticking her tounge out a bit.

Ness nods slightly "We just might do that." he says evenly "You never know how something might turn out, right?" he asks, not looking at the slightly surprised face of Anita, at his words.

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:08 pm

Anita blinks "You're joking, right?" she asks "I don't think Cedrick would like the idea of a threesome." she says casually.

Ness looks up from his work, then goes back to it "You sound very sure of this." he states "May I ask what you base this fact on?" he asks.

Anita nods "Well, if you think about it, Cedrick is basically the opposite of me in terms of personality, right?" she asks "So it's only logical to assume that anything I would like or be 'into', she would be opposed to." she points out. "And since I wouldn't be opposed to a threesome, it's a very good chance that Cedrick would be." she finishes.

Ness nods "I'm impressed." he says "That's a good assessment of the general situation, as far as Cedrick goes." he points out "Still, couldn't hurt to ask, right?" he asks with a slight smile.

Anita shakes her head "No, doesn't hurt to ask at all." she mumbles "You know, I was going to college for a degree in psychology." she says "Criminal Psychology, to be exact. Try to help others from becoming another Cedrick Darkside, you know, do some good..." she says with a slight smile "But, I guess that dream is over." she mumbles.

Ness looks up from his work "Why? Because some ninja outcasts were playing with your mind? You shouldn't give up on your dreams so easily." he says "If you like, I can teach you what you need to know and when I think you're ready, you can take the college exams." he offers.

Anita blinks in surprise "You got experience in psychology? More over, you have experience in teaching criminal psychology?" she asks, not sounding sure of this plan.

Ness nods "I sure do." he says as he digs in his backpack and pulls out a bunch of degrees, at least a dozen of them "These are my degrees in psychology as a whole." he says with a hint of pride "They range from basic psychology to advanced and criminal to parapsychology and everything in between." he says as he puts them away "I even have several doctorates in the field of psychology, among other subjects and fields." he says with a boastful smile.

Anita looks him over *I would have never guessed him as Doctor Ness Burger.* she thinks *I guess appearances truly Can be deceiving.* she thinks as she nods "I guess that's my best option. With your help in multiple fields of psychology, I have the best chance of learning that I need to help those who need it." she says, thinking to herself, then nods "Okay, lets do it." she says.

Ness nods as well, then pulls out another data pad, taps it a few times then tosses it to Anita "Okay, I'm going to need you to read all the chapters that I pulled up." he says as he goes back to work "Once you're finished with those, I'll have another assignment for you. With my method, you'll learn this stuff almost seventy-five percent faster than in any college." he points out, ignoring what she thought about him.

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Sun May 11, 2014 5:59 pm

It was about an hour later and Ness Would have been worried about Cedrick, but he knew she could More then take care of herself. But that line of thinking was unnecessary as Cedrick comes walking back into the room. She was wearing a new long coat and a wide brimmed hat with her hair tucked under it. "I have returned." she says in a drull tone as she walks over to the bed "I did not know what kind of style of clothing you preferred, so I had gotten you something more to my style of taste." she says as she sets a shopping bag down as well as a food bag.

Ness nods his thanks to Cedrick and looks over Anita "You two should head into the bathroom and try some of those on. It would be a great chance for you two to get to know each other better." he suggests.

Anita frowns at Ness as she gets up "It's kinda cramped in that bathroom and two people trying to change clothes  won't fit." she points out "So we'll be changing out here and maybe You should do your studying in the bathroom." she says and looks to Cedrick for support.

Cedrick, for her part, wasn't too sure about changing out here. Sure there were curtains and such, but what if Ness didn't want to go to the bathroom? Would it be in good tastes for them to strip down infront of him? But then again, he Has seen one of them naked before and if he's seen one naked, then he's seen both naked, because both Anita and Cedrick were the same person, right?

She shrugs slightly "I do not care if Ness remains or not." she says simply "I had gotten these for you, not to put on a fasion show." she says as she takes her coat and hat off, tossing them on the bed as well.

Ness walks over to Cedrick and places a hand on her shoulder, then walks back over to hus chair and sits back down, after almost a minuet. Cedrick frowns slightly "Very well, I shall join you in testing out these outfits." she says to Anita in a low tone.

Anita, for her part, looked pretty happy. She was happy that she had someone to relate to again. She was able to look past Cedrick's history and to what she had become, not what she was and what she is. And what she is, is Anita's sister! The two of them together, nothing could stop them!

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Welcome Back Home! (M) Empty Re: Welcome Back Home! (M)

Post by Namey Wed May 21, 2014 11:05 am

Anita was about ready to dig into the clothes that Cedrick had brought back, getting ready to take off her towel and everything. She was embarrassed, naturally. Because she respected Ness for everything he's done for her and her friends and now she was going to expose herself to him. He had seen her topless before, but this was a bit different, this was her whole body.

Ness suddenly gets up "Well, I'm off to do some wandering." he says off handedly "You two have fun. I'll be back in a few hours, if something important doesn't pop up." he says as he wanders out.

Cedrick knew Ness didn't want to be a fifth wheel in the room and was possibly heading out to check out that other energy signature. Cedrick wasn't worried about him, because he could more then take care of himself. After he leaves, Cedrick turns to Anita "Shall we, then?" she asks as she begins to disrobe.

Anita watched Ness leave, then looks to Cedrick "So, uhh, was there something bothering Ness?" she asks "He kinda took off in a hurry." she mumbles "Was it something I said?" she asks.

Cedrick shakes her head "No. Ness is not one to just sit idly by and do nothing, when he can be out doing something." she explains "Ness has an affliction called 'Wanderlust'." she says "He is almost completely incapable of just staying put in one place for too long. It is nothing personal on your part." she says as she takes her shorts, shirt, boots and socks off. Leaving only her black, lace bra and panties.

Anita nods slowly "I guess I can understand that." she says as she pulls off her towel and tosses it on the bed "That would explain afew things as well." she says to herself.

Cedrick was looking over Anita's naked body "I can definitely see a resemblance." she says as she unclips her bra and pulls down her panties. She was just as naked as Anita was now and stands by her as they both look into the full standing mirror "You have more mass then I do and I have less color in my complection." she points out.

Anita nods "Yeah, I'm more chunky and you look like you seen a ghost." she chuckles as she turns to Cedrick "So, what would you like to try on first?" she asks with a smile.

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Post by Namey Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:05 pm

While Cedrick and Anita were 'bonding', Ness was out and about. To the untrained eye, everyone who was walking around the bustling city that was Tokyo, would only see people going about their daily business. But Ness knew better. He could see all manner of nonhumans and Hunters wandering around the city.

He seen a few 'Demons', some 'Angels', Zoanthropes, Hunters, even a 'Necrowarrior'. He knew they didn't want to be known or anyone knowing of their existence, so he ignored them. Ness, of course, couldn't see a person's race like Cedrick and Anita, he just knew what to look for was all.

He was getting closer to the source of the strange power. Then, suddenly, it blinks off Ness's tricorder. He frowns, taps a few buttons, than sighs, closes his device, puts it in his backpack and starts out. Looking for something else to do while the girls were bonding by way of clothes.

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Post by Namey Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:35 pm

Ness decided it was time to head on back to the apartment. He had given the girls plenty of time to bond, assuming they hadn't killed eachother. He wanders to the apartment and heads on inside, after making sure he wasn't followed by anyone.

Inside, Anita and Cedrick were both still 'Bonding'. Cedrick was wearing a pair of her normal black lace panties while Anita was only in a black, lace bra. Ness looks them over. Cedrick covers her round, bare breasts, looking, if Ness had to guess, embarrassed. Anita lazily puts a hand between her legs, covering herself.

Ness looks them over "Am I interrupting?" he asks "If you ladies wish, I can come back later." he offers.

Anita shrugs slightly "I don't really mind." she says You just caught me by surprise is all." she says as she lowers her hands and goes back to what she was doing.

Cedrick says nothing, rather, she turns from Ness and picks up a bra and slips it on. Ness never took her for the shy type, considering a few years ago, she was a crazed, psychotic serial killer. All she really needed, was someone to give her the one thing she never got in her lifetime, some love.

Ness walks over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder "Cedrick, are you alright?" he asks in a low tone. He knew that Anita could hear, because of their enhanced senses, but he knew Anita respected their privacy.

Cedrick nods "Yes." she says in a flat tone "As Anita said, you simply caught me off guard is all." she mumbles. Ness knew it was more then that, because Cedrick was still blushing. It was very cute, but at the sametime, very odd. So Ness left it alone.

He nods, then heads to the bathroom "Well, I'm off to take a shower. You two can continue your bonding." he says as he wanders on inside.

Anita walks over to Cedrick Should we tell him that there are no towels or should we let it be a surprise?" she asks. Cedrick shrugs again "It does not matter to me." she mumbles "You may tell him, if you wish. I think I shall lay down for a bit." she mumbles as she lays on the bed, closing her eyes.

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Post by Namey Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:16 pm

Ness was in the shower, letting the water just flow over his bare,  muscled body. Ness Did have good muscle tone, but he wasn't overly muscled. He was thinking about a great many things, as he always does. He's just good at not showing it.

He hears someone walks into the bathroom "What's up, Anita?" he asks. He knew it was Anita, because Cedrick respected his privacy when he was in the bathroom.

Anita wasn't trying to sneak a peek at a very naked and quite good looking Ness, but she really couldn't help it when Ness didn't close the shower curtain. "I, uhh, came to tell you that there aren't anymore towels..." she trails off as she sees Ness's Massive, hanging cock "Oh...Wow..." she says, staring.

Ness's penis was, if she had to guess, about ten inches and he was uncircumcised too, but that didn't matter. If anything, it made him even more desirable and balls looked just as delicious as his cock "I, uhh, I should probably get be going." she says, blushing, as she was suddenly aware that she wasn't wearing any panties.

That fact hadn't escaped Ness's notice "I don't mind and you don't need to be going." he says "If you want, you could even join me." he teases, causing Anita to blush even more.

"I-I should be going." she says as she rushes out of the bathroom and back to Cedrick "Oh man..." she mumbles "I had no idea Ness was packing such a monster between his legs." she says to her sister "If I may ask, you two has sex, right? And he put that massive snake into you?" she asks "Didn't it hurt? I mean, like a lot?" she asks.

Cedrick was silent. Deciding if she wanted to answer or not. It really wasn't any of Anita's business what Cedrick did in her sex life. Still, she decided that maybe this was part of the sisterly bonding process "Of course it hurt. It was my first time." she says in a dead tone, still blushing "But after a bit, if felt...very good..." she says, thinking back to that time in Skyrim "If...you want...I would not be opposed to you....finding out..." she mumbles.

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Post by Namey Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:13 pm

Anita was about to say something, when Ness comes walking out of the bathroom, completely naked! He was also still plenty wet, not having any towels. He walks over to the bed, nodding to Anita and Cedrick "Ladies." he says, as if he were on a casual stroll in the park. He picks up his backpack, rummages through it, pulling out a towel, then heading back into the bathroom.

Anita looks back to Cedrick "Was it me, or was there something...a bit odd there?" she asks. Cedrick shakes her head "No. Ness has never been too shy when it comes to his body." she says "He is very confident in his looks and since we both have seen him naked, he saw no reason to cover himself infront of us." she explains "I would not be surprised if he were to do that more then once." she mumbles.

Anita thinks for a bit "Well, it's only polite that we return the favor, right?""She asks as she unclips her bra, letting it drop to the bed and she looks over to Cedrick "I would very much like it if you were to join in." she says. Cedrick sighs to herself "Very well. I shall 'join in', as you say." she says as she, too, unclips her bra and lets it fall into the bed, then pulls off her panties as well.

Cedrick was feeling a bit self conscious for some reason, then she looks over to Anita "If I may ask, what exactly are we planning on doing and why are we both naked?" she asks. Anita smiles lightly "Well, when Ness comes back out here, I plan on repaying his kindness in full, the only way a guy can truly appreciate." she says with a wink. Cedrick had an idea about what Anita was planning.

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Post by Namey Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:49 am

A few minuets later, Ness comes walking out of the bathroom. His towel wrapped around his waist. He was walking in as if he had conquered the bad guy and saved the day! He stops in his tracks when he sees two very beautiful and very naked young women standing there.

Cedrick was standing there, holding one arm and looking slightly down and away. Looking Very embarrassed at the sametime. It was almost unbearably cute. Anita was standing there like normal, looking heated and Ness didn't need to be a psychic to know what was on her mind.

Ness walks slowly over to the bed. His backpack was by the bed "So, ladies, is there something I can do for you?" he asks.

Anita walks over to him and starts to mess with his towel a bit "I think, there might be something that you can do for us." she purrs as she tugs at the towel, which comes loose and drops to the ground, revealing Ness's massive, uncircumcised cock and his large, hanging balls.

She moves in and kisses Ness as her hand reaches down and starts massaging his balls! She continues to kiss him as she moves his hand to her round, bare breast. Then she moves her hand to hic stiffening cock, rubbing it, playing with his foreskin. She starts kissing his neck, his collarbone, his chest (she stops and plays with his nipples for a bit), then his stomach, and finally, while now on her knees, his now fully erect cock.

She kisses his foreskin, then nips at it, lightly pulls at it, then goes about kissing his cock shaft all the way down to his hanging balls. She then starts sucking on them, all the while lightly stroaking him off. After she has had a chance to 'sample' both of his testicals, she starts kissing and licking his cock shaft all the way back up to his uncircumcised head. There she uses her tounge to skillfully move his foreskin out of the way and downwards, revealing his nice, slick cock head.

There, she kisses it, then licks it, and finally sticks his head in her mouth, followed by almost half of Ness's thick, hard cock! Her head starts to bob back and forth as she starts to suck on his dick, all the while she was massaging his balls. Ness wasn't the type to put his hand on a womans head, when getting a blowjob from her, he considered it bad form.

Since Ness has a Very high pleasure threshold, it would take a bit of work on Anita's behalf, before Ness would do much more then stand there. However, Anita Was more skilled in the fine art of the blowjob then Cedrick, so Ness's dick was starting to feel good. After about five or so minuets, Ness looks down to Anita, whow as still steadily sucking his cock "Just a warning, I'm about to shot off my load." he says casually, as if she were shining his shoes.

Anita just kept sucking his dick, until she felt Ness's cum start to shoot into her mouth. She backed off his cock and and wrapped her lips around his head, eating his cum. Ness could hear her swollowing it, as he continued to keep shooting it in her mouth.

When Ness was finally finished cumming, Anita kisses his cock head, then stands up "That was quite tasty and plenty of it." she says with a smile as she pushes Ness on the bed "And now for the really fun part!" she says as she strattle him, takes his dick in her hand and holding it steady as she slides it into her cute, smooth pussy.

She lets out a light grunt if pain as Ness's thick, cum covered cock takes her viriginity. He had to put a bit of effort into getting his dick into her, because of her enhanced duribility. But he managed to do it! Anita slid Ness's cock as far into her as she could, then she started to bounce up and down on him, her round breasts bouncing with a life of their own as she slides Ness's dick rhythmically, in and out of her body!

She was begining to moan from pleasure, just like Cedrick. Who, for her part, was just standing there, still completely naked, as she watched the two have sex infront of her and somehow, that only seemed to turn her on even more, as she watched Ness's long, thick cock slide in and out of Anita's cute, smooth pussy and listen to Anita's moans of pleasure that were increasing in volume.

Cedrick knew a little something about Ness that Anita was about to find out for herself. This was something that Cedrick already knew, of course, for herself. Anita's moaning was getting louder and Cedrick knew she was getting close to climaxing amd, naturally, she did and afterwords she leand forward onto Ness, breathing hard. Ness, for his part, didn't look saticefied. It was that high pleasure threshhold again.

Ness rolls Anita off and mounts her from behind, sliding his still hard cock back into Anita "W-what? Again?" she asks, taking off guard by Ness's approch "Well, alright then." she says with a smile as Ness starts to work, sliding his hard cock backing and out of Anita's still ready pussy.

Ness looked like he was in charge this time around and after two bouts with Anita, Ness looked like he was getting ready to cum. Which he does, after about five to ten minuets of working on Anita. However, as she finds out as Ness gets up and picks Anita up, moves into the standing tower position, Ness was far from done as he could orgasam multiple times. This was why he out lasted Cedrick last time.

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Post by Namey Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:00 pm

It was a few hours later and Anita was crashed out. Cedrick had gotten dressed and was wandering around while Ness was taking a shower. He knew that Cedrick wasn't happy about Ness having sex with Anita, but he also knew she wouldn't say anything about it either. Mainly because what they had was stronger then just simple physical attraction. Still, he would check on her to see if she's alright.

* *

As for Cedrick, she was, currently, wandering around Tokyo. She knew she needed to be careful, because of bounty hunters and such, but she Really wasn't too worried about them. The Hunters might be a slight bother, but she really wasn't too concerned about them either.

Though, as luck would have it, a few members of a Hunter's Cell had spotted her. They knew she wasn't human, so they decided to tail her, snap a picture or her to try and get a positive I.D. on her "Hey! Positive match. It's Cedrick 'The Unsouled' Darkside." says one of the Hunters to the other "She's a priority target." says the other. One was male and the other female (they were on a date) "We have to contact HQ before we even think-" her words were cut off as a swirl of fire engulfs Cedrick and she disappears!

The two Hunters run to the spot "Dammit!" the guy says as he pulls out a radio and calls it in. His companion starts a search of the area, to see if they can get any clue where she might have gone, but it was no use. Teleportation simply couldn't be tracked by any means at their disposal. Cedrick, on the other hand, was on a building not far, watching them.

It was the fact that she heard her name that tipped her off to the fact that she was being followed. She could have taken them out if she needed to and she doubted that they would be too much of a problem. Unlike Ness and Anita, Cedrick didn't only kill when she had to. Still, for Ness, she would look for other ways instead of taking lives.

She was deciding on weither or not to keep an eye on them or just head on back. Even If they managed to follow her back to the appartment, Ness could just erase the memory of having found her. Hes done it before. She really didn't want to tell him this, because she had seen where situations like this generally lead, but she could swear that Ness's powers were getting stronger...Much stronger and she didn't want to lose him to his own powers.

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Post by Namey Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:50 pm

Cedrick comes back to the apartment, Ness was dressed and working on his tricorder, as per usual. Anita was in the shower, humming to herself. Cedrick walks over to Ness "I believe we may have a problem." she says in a neutral tone.

Ness looks up from his work "Does it have something to do with the unrest between the Hunters and the Mystics?" he asks.

She shakes her head "Not entirely." she says "But it does have something to do with the Hunters." she says "It would seem that I am still a wanted killer here, even though I am officially dead." she explains.

Anita comes walking out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around herself "Oh, uh... Cedrick...Welcome back." she mumbles as she wanders over to her clothes, drops the towel and quickly gets dressed.

Cedrick regarded Anita with mild interest, then focused back onto Ness "I ran into a small group of them who recognized me and called it in." she states "I had managed to give them the slip before they were able to do anything more and continued to watch them for a bit, before returning here." she explains.

Ness shakes his head "I wouldn't worry about them." he says, putting his tricorder away "If they become a problem, I'll take care of it." he says simply. Which left Anita wondering what, exactly, did Ness have in mind.

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Post by Namey Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:09 pm

Ness jumps up "Okay! I finally got a lock on that other energy!" he declares "Let's go see what is it!" he says as he grabs his backpack and starts for the door "Anita, I think you should come with us to find out what this other energy is." he advises.

Anita, who just finished getting dressed, looks over to Ness "What other energy?" she asks.

Cedrick looks over to her sister "When we had first arrived back here, we took scans to find out and came up with three similar energy signatures." she explains "However, we could not get a lock on the third, which is like ours, but different in some way." she continues, looking over to Ness "It seems that we can now find this other person and find out what is going on." she finishes.

Ness nods "Yup! Let's get going before we lose it again!" he says as he disappears out the door.

Cedrick looks over to Anita "We should follow. Though he is completely capable of taking care of himself, Ness often gets into trouble when left by himself." she says as she heads out as well.

Anita shrugs, then follows, locking the door behind. She wondered what Adell and Monica would think if they found out that Cedrick Darkside was, not only now good, but was also paling around with her and Ness.

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Post by Namey Sun Jan 11, 2015 8:35 pm

Ness, Cedrick and Anita all get out into the ground floor. Ness wanders over to a black 1982 Pontiac Trans Am, with a red, LED bar on the front that pulsed from one side to the other "Wow! Now That's a classic!" Anita says as she walks over to it "Where did you get this baby?" she asks.

"I had followed Ness and Cedrickc through one Ness's psychokinetically created space/time vortexes." KITT says. This causes Anita to jump about two feet up and five feet back "WHOA! You mean this thing Talks and it understands me?" she says.

"What you said just now, was quite rude and very insulting." KITT says "First you call me a classic, then you call me a thing. That's rather hurtful." KITT says as his sensor bar shuts off, as if showing that his feelings were hurt.

Ness walks over and pats his hood "She honestly didn't mean a thing by it. You just scared her is all." he reassures. Anita walks closer "I'm sorry. Ness is right, you just startled me was all. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." she says, apologetically.

KITT's sensor bar lights back up "All is forgiven." he says "Am I to take it that you've found the other source?' he ask Ness.

Who nods "You got it! We need to move before I lose the lock on." he says as he jumps in, followed by Cedrick. Anita was still leery, but she hops on in as well and they take off! Onto another adventure!

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Post by Namey Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:02 pm

With KITT driving and Ness navigating, it really didn't take them long to get to where they were going, or atleast within the general area of their target. They all pile out of KITT and Ness looks at the car "Hold back, Kitt. Keep an eye on things from here. If they look like they're getting out of hand, feel free to jump in." he says in a low tone.

"Understood. Take care you three. I shall be monitoring the situation closely." he says as he backs up into an alcove, out of sight. All except for his sensor bar.

The three start off. It was an old fishing wharf. Complete with abandoned boats and boat houses and the occasional warehouse. Anita sighs "Why do all these unknown and potentially evil people hang around in abandon places?" she asks no one in particular.

Ness noticed this as well. He puts his hand on the wharf rail "Whomever it is, they're here...and they're female." he says, using a psychic pulse to locate their target. "Come on. She's just up ahead." he mumbles, in full combat mode, ready for anything.

They get close to the boat house "...So she's here at last, huh?" they hear a girls voice from within "Yes mother...I won't fight her unless I have to..." she mumbles "I know you're there. You might as well show yourself." the girl calls.

Ness, Anita and Cedrick come walking into the boat house. They see a teenage girl standing there. She looks from Cedrick to Ness to Anita "Wait a minuet! Mother only told me there was one of you." she says, putting a hand on her hip "So who are you two?" she asks to Ness and Anita.

Ness frowns "I'm Ness and this is my friend Anita. Who are you?" he asks, already not liking this new person very much.

The girl looks indignantly at Ness "You, may call me Amanda K." she says with a 'huffy' attitude. No, 'huffy' isn't the word for it. 'Stuck up' is more the kind of attitude that was coming off this girl "I am Cedrick's younger sister." she declares!

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Post by Namey Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:57 pm

Anita blinks in surprise "Wait, what? Younger sister?" she asks in equal surprise as she looks to Cedrick, who is showing No emotion "Since when do we have a younger sister?" she asks.

Amanda folds her arms "Who's this 'We' you're talking about?" she asks "I'm not Your sister, I'm Cedrick's sister." she points out.

Ness shakes his slightly. This girl was going to give him a brain aneurysm. He moves Anita close to Cedrick "If you would look a bit closer, you'll see that these two are almost exactly the same. Twins, you might say. Twin sisters, to be exact. The same, yet different." now it was his turn to point things out.

Amanda looks closer at Anita "how can this be?" she mumbles "Mother told me that Cedrick was her only daughter, before me..." she says to herself, then faces Anita "I assume that you have some kind of explanation for this?" she asks.

Anita glares daggers at Amanda "Yes. But I don't think I should tell you. You know, since you're Not my sister and all." she grumbles.

Ness shakes his head "Enough! We know what the energy signal is. Mystery solved. Let's head back to the apartment." he says "Kitt, we're ready for pick up." he says as they hear KITT's motor revving up.

Amanda moves infront of the group "Now hold on just a minuet!" she says, holding her arms out "I'm coming with you!" she says.

Ness chuckles "Oh the hell you Aren't!" he says "I can't even stand to be around you for five minuets. I'm Not going to have you tag along." he states.

Cedrick walks over to Amanda and regards her with emotionless, cold, gray eyes "Give us a good reason and we might consider letting you stay with us." she says, in direct contrast with what Ness said a few seconds ago.

Ness didn't say anything about it. Cedrick rarely asked for Anything and when she did, he usually went along with it. Amanda lets out an exasperated sigh "Very well. I'm also looking for my father. He's the reason I originally came to this place. The only clues I got, is that he sometimes runs into my sister." she explains, not meeting any of their gazes.

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Post by Namey Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:25 pm

Cedrick tried to think of whom it could be that she regularly ran into and the only ones that came to mind were Anita and her friends. She looks to Amanda, who was awaiting Cedrick's decision "What is your last name?" she asks.

Amanda shakes her head "Mother told me not to tell anyone until I found my father." she says.

Cedrick turns from Amanda as KITT comes rolling up "Then I am afraid you'll never tell anyone your last name, for you shall never find your father." she says in a very cold tone "But feel free to tag along, if it give meaning to your life." she says as she climbs into KITT.

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