Life Moves On

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Life Moves On Empty Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:06 pm

It had been another week or so since Alden's passing and everyone was dealing with it in their own way. Espen had taken a indefinite amount of time off, life was too short not to enjoy it. It wasn't as if the company would implode with his absence since he had things in place. Currently, he was passed out asleep up stairs after working around Alden's home all day(after Vira practically forced himself to lay down, man couldn't sit still at times for the life of him).

There hadn't been a update on who Alister intended to send to take over the orphanage from Vira's temporary care, but that was okay with her since she was enjoying it. It was the least she could do and she always loved children so it wasn't too much of a hassle.

From what Lazy Kazenabi had said, there was a large power structure change in the Hunters organization, now called the Alliance. She wasn't sure how it would go, but hopefully it would be better for everyone's sake. Either way. the orphanage was safer then it ever had been; Alister and Espen made sure of it for their departed friend. If anything similar to that Cedrick incident happened again, we'll they'd be in for a rude surprise.
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:22 pm

Though, much like the last time, there was someone to stop them from harming anyone at the orphanage. Jennifer, for her part, she too had heard of this development with the Hunters. She knows that the Arch Bishop had offered to help them smooth out the rough edges between the Hunters, Humans and Nonhumans. Who the Hunter Alliance had 'rebranded' as 'Inhumans' for a general term.

As for Alister, he was still dealing with the backlash from Amadeus's attacks. While he was still in hiding (who wouldn't be if you had a God after you?) he was still making problems for everyone. Unlike a lot of his people, he had embraced the technology of Earth and was using it to create a new empire, but what for was what worried Alister.

In the matter of who would take over the orphanage, Alister decided it was going to be Jennifer's parents. Not only would they be Well protected, Tobisa Braxton being a former guard, but they would be in good hands as well, Amelia Braxton being one of the few mothers to have two children. Plus it would give Sarah a chance to be around other children and Jennifer was ecstatic by the idea. All that remained was finalizing the arrangements and moving everyone over.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:37 pm

"Could you please get Jennifer and Espen and see if they want something to eat?"
Vira asked her little sister, who had been wanting something to do. She was in the 'helping phase' that young kids often went through.

Kylie was happy about that and rushed up stairs before Vira could say anything else but was a bit amused. Kylie's first target was Jennifer then Espen.
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:02 pm

Jennifer opens the door, looking as if she was getting ready to head off somewhere, and sees Kylie "Hello, Kylie. What can I do for you?" she asks.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:29 pm

"Vira just wanted to know if you were hungry? Mommy and Vira were making breakfast for you and Espen."
Kylie gave her a happy slightly fanged smile.
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:22 pm

Jennifer shakes her head "I'm sorry, Kylie, but duty calls." she says apologetically "The Arch Bishop has summoned me for an important meeting and I must attend." she explains "Maybe later, if timing permits it." she says.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:43 pm

Kylie looked a bit bummed about it. "Aw..okay.." Then she brightened a bit. "Tell Mr. Alister I said hi then."
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:13 pm

Jennifer nods with a slight smile. She, of course, knew Alister's name and Alister preferred that others used it, but out of respect and tradition, they all called him by his title.

Jennifer starts out, She decided to walk. It was rare that the day was as nice as it was and flying would take something away from the gift that nature had given them.

She was heading to the Orphanage, that's where the Arch Bishop said to meet him. It was odd to her why he would call her there. If her family was already on Earth, would it not make more sense to go to the Embassy?

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:42 pm

(They were there already at the oprhange but I'll play around it)

Angelique was only there in the morning at Alden's old home, just until Vira came over and moved the rest of her things here. They had already gotten her room set up, among other things. Other then that, it was a relatively slow day.
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:41 pm

((Jennifer wasn't at the orphanage, but rather at Mystic Incorporated. If she feels Espen is safe in a particular location, she may choose to leave him to the protection of that location and since the orphanage is guarded, she didn't feel the need to stick around.))

* *

Jennifer could feel something that had replaced the sadness in the air of the orphanage. Apprehension, excitement, and tension. The sadness was still there, of course, but it wasn't Nearly as strong. Then Jennifer realized, all those feeling were coming off of her!

With good reason. Her whole family would be staying here. She wanted their first trip to Earth to be an enjoyable one. However, with all the craziness that Earth has become known for, it made it hard to predict just what might happen next.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:10 pm

When Jennifer did arrive at the orphanage, the first person to greet her wasn't Angelique but Hiromi. "Afternoon. I didn't expect to see you around this time. Come in."
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Mon Nov 23, 2015 3:57 pm

Jennifer blinks in surprise "Hiromi, when did you get back from Elysium?" she asks her friend and fellow bodyguard.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:32 am

Hiromi shook her head. "I never left after the funeral. There were too many loved ones that needed my support after what..happened, so I took some time to do what I needed to do."
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:17 pm

Jennifer nods "I hadn't come to the funeral. I figured it wasn't really my place to do so, since I didn't really know mister Glay." she says.

"Clearly not. If he heard you call him 'Mister Glay', he would laugh and tell you to just call him Alden." Alister says, behind Jennifer.

This actually gets a start from her as she wipes around and bows "Forgive me, Lord Arch Bishop. I meant no disrespect towards the Resting." she says.

Alister chuckles a bit "No harm done." he says "I just showed up to see that the new members of Alden's family settle in comfortably." he says. Which, of course, meant Jennifer's family.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:01 am

Hiromi smiled a bit. "He would. That said come in you two while we wait. Do you two want anything? The others should join us soon."
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:04 pm

Jennifer shakes her head "No, I'm fine, thanks." she says as she heads on in.

Alister nods "I'll take some of that tea Alden always served." he says. He knows Angelique knew how to make it.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:13 pm

Hiromi was fine with that and went to Angelique in the kitchen who went to work in getting the tea. She came back a moment later to attend her guest. "It's been some time. Have I missed anything else while I was away from you two?"
Sion Reaver
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:43 pm

Alister shakes his head "No. There's been nothing note worthy to talk about. Other than the Hunter's Counsel disbanding and reforming into the New Hunter Alliance." he explains, sipping at his tea.

"They Say they're doing things differently than the old Hunter's Counsel, but they have yet to show any Real effort and while the Hunters are out of action, some of the more rowdy non Humans have been taking advantage of the situation." he points out.

Jennifer nods "That's where the Mystics come in. We've been helping the local LEOs keep order. All at their respective government's request, of course." she says "Though it's not been easy from the reports I've read."

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:02 pm

Hiromi declined her own tea, partly she didn't want some and partly because even now just drinking the tea he used to make would get to her too much.

Luckily there was a lot going on and things to do to keep her distracted, such as now. "What do you mean? What did the reports say? I'm sorry my people can't really help, we're..rather crippled at the moment." She mumbled, as much as it pained her to say it, they couldn't afford to do much of anything. They neither had the resources or power to do anything on a bigger scale.
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:45 pm

Alister understood what she meant. Her people were on the verge of extinction and they weren't as strong as the legends once said them to be. He honestly wouldn't mind, in fact he would expect it, if the 'Dog Demons' looked after themselves for a change. Survival was one of the most basic and powerful of all instincts after all.

Jennifer nods slowly "Well, it seems that the Jinn, the Elemental Demons, are trying to gather an army of sorts, and take out the Hunters before they can regroup completely." she explains.

"They have already contacted the Wolf Demon clans and they're moving to gather support from the Thunder Demon tribe as well as any remaining Outcasts from the Mystic race." Alister says, sounding a bit grim.

Jennifer nods again "With our people getting involved, I don't have to tell you that we're involved as well. Our main goal is to stop this uprising and not join sides, but it looks like the Jinn are choosing sides for us." she points out.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:10 pm

Hiromi didn't answer right away, as she tended to do when she was thinking over things like this. "I haven't heard of this Jinn, but to be blunt the Wolf Demons I wouldn't worry about. They can be dealt with conventional forces rather just the same as normal humans more or less. Unless something drastic has changed with the leadership, the Thunder Demon tribe should be all right with some talking."

"So its just the Jinn, Elemental and Outcast I'd be the most concerned with. Though..I suppose that there's a healthy Wolf Demon population and my kind went from being one of the most feared and respected to only being a handful must mean they did something right.." She mumbled almost bitterly.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Wed Dec 09, 2015 7:48 pm

Jennifer blinks in surprise "Oh, um, Jinn is the actual name of the Elemental Demons." she says "If we are to let the Humans know of your presents, it's strongly suggested that you and others like you, drop the 'Angel' and 'Demon' names and use your races given name." she explains.

Alister was thinking for a bit "I wouldn't count the Wolf Demons out so quickly. Just like the Desian have fallen in power, nature seeks balance and since, in nature, Wolves are superior to Dogs, there's a good chance that the Wolf Demons will, or already have, exponentially gained in power." he points out in a low tone.

This gets a frown from Jennifer "There's a saying that Humans like to use that often rings true: 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely.'. I think we had best keep an eye on the Wolf Demons. Just incase the Humans know what they're talking about." she suggests.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:22 pm

Even if they were demons, she guessed that part made sense far as names go. "Perhaps. But evolution doesn't usually happen that fast and they'd need a reason for outside pressures where that kind of power was needed. It's not the strongest that survive long term, but those that adapt the most. Wolf Demons have always been far more numerous then we were, even way back then."

"Trust me, if dozens of Wolf Demons suddenly gained power similar to my kind in their prime we all would have been seeing the after effects. Still..It wouldn't hurt to keep a eye out. I would say that human saying is true about half the time. When Desians were in their prime, we were taught the responsibility that comes with that power and the consequences of it. Wolf Demons potentially would suddenly go from close to base line humans, to a sudden massive increase in power. I don't think I have to say how that could quickly turn out bad."

Hiromi paused a bit, mulling over something. "You mentioned about the Hunter Alliance not doing much as well?"

*  *

Espen just finished up a few calls in his office as he waited for Ness to show up, he did say soon so it shouldn't be too long before he got there.
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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Namey Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:05 am

Alister was about to reply, but both he and Jennifer look towards the front door "I shall explain later." he says as he gets up.

Jennifer also gets up "They're here at last." she says, hiding her excitement as she heads to the front door.

A limo from the Elysium consulate comes pulling up and the driver comes out to open the door and as soon as he does, a white and black blur comes shooting out of the limo and straight into Jennifer!

"JENNY!!" a young girl squeals as she plows her face into Jennifer's stomach, her little wings were a blur of motion as she glomps onto Jennifer.

A young woman steps out "Hello, Jennifer. It's good to see you again." she says in a pleasant tone, then moves to get the young girl off Jennifer.

Next, a man in ceremonial armor from the Mystic guard. Jennifer disengages little girl, as woman takes the young girl, and Jennifer walks over to the man "Hello father. It's agreeable to see you again." she says, turning to Hiromi "Hiromi, this if my father. Tobias, my mother Amelia and my little sister, Sarah. Father, mother, this is my friend Hiromi." she says, introducing them.

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Life Moves On Empty Re: Life Moves On

Post by Sion Reaver Thu Dec 10, 2015 12:22 pm

It was the first time Hiromi had seen any of Jennifer's family, her little sister looked adorable, she wasn't sure how old she was. She got up from her seat and went to greet them. "It's a pleasure to finally meet all of you." She said warmly.
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