When It Hits The Fan!

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:09 pm

It was a fairly quiet, sunny day with a few clouds hanging in the sky. Peaceful, the word to describe this day would be. A sudden clap of thunder and a swirling vortex with a blue outer layer and an electric center (that was causing the outer layer to break off) opens and a young woman comes shooting out of the portal and lands into a stream and a young man shoots out and tumbles to the ground while the portal closes in a clap of thunder!

Cedrick hauls herself out of the water, soaked "Not one of my smoothest landing." she mumbles as she looks to see if Ness was alright. He was fine.

Ness dusts himself off and looks around, then he takes off his backpack and pulls out his tricorder and takes a reading "Ah. So that's the kind of planet we're on." he mumbles and looks to Cedrick "Okay, this is a Very low tech world and it's probably best not for use to show we're different..." he says "Unless you like your witch burning fire extra hot." he mumbles.

Cedrick shakes her head "I am not worried about fire." she says, then points off in the distance "Look. A town...with a keep on the end..." she says.

Ness shakes his head "No. We need to blend in before we mingle." he points out "And as it is, we stand out like..." he trails off as he sees something in the not too distance "Like that giant who's just lumbering along..." he says. There was a man, dressed in furs and carrying a big club, was stood about twenty feet tall, just slowly walking, minding his own business.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:09 pm

Cedrick looks around "I believe we may not how to worry about neither our appearance nore our abilities." she says as she nods to a travler who was somekind of Cat person.

He nods to them as he passes by "Greetings, fellow travelers." he says, then keeps going.

Ness jogs over to him "Excuse me, but we're new here." he says "Could you tell us where the nearest town or city is?" he asks.

The cat person points to the tower off in the distance "Whiterun is not far from here. Just past the giant's camp. Though, you may want to go around it." he states.

Ness nods to him "Thanks. Safe travels." he says as he nods to Cedrick, who comes walking over to Ness "Okay, so that town we seen before is called 'Whiterun' and that, it seems, is where we're heading." he says, not knowing what kind of money they use here.

Cedrick wasn't as worried about money as Ness might have been. Growing up on the streets, she had an idea of how to get along with or without it. And if need be, she would Get them some money.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:26 pm

As the two of them were walking towards the town, a lizard man dressed in robes comes walking up, two knives in hand "Alright. Hand over all your gold." he says "And this won't get ugly." he growls.

Ness grins "And here I was worried that we wouldn't be able to find any money in this world and here you are." he says as he makes a slight swatting motion as the knives suddenly fly from the bandit's hands!

A Very surprised look crosses his reptile face "What in Oblivion?" he exclaims as his own knives hover close to him, poised on either side, ready to strike.

Ness smiles as he opens his eyes "Now, my friend, you don't Really want to fight us, do you?" he asks.

The bandit shakes his head "No...I don't want to fight..." he says, almost as if in a trance.

Ness nods "Good. Now, since we're good friends and all, you feel like giving us all your gold, convinced that it was something you owed me." he says in a low tone as he slides the bandit's blades back into their sheaths.

The bandit blinks a few times, then looks over to Ness as if seeing him for the first time "Hey.." he says slowly, gathering his thoughts "Hey! What the heck are you doing in Skyrim, friend?" he asks, shaking his head "I know, I know. You came for the winnings I owe you." he says as he pulls out a small bag and tosses it to Ness "Here! Don't ever say I never gave you anything." he grumbles "Now I have to find some poor fool to rob to make up for what I gave you." he says as he nods to the two of them "We should get a drink sometime." he says, then was off.

Cedrick looks Ness over "What did you do to him?" she asks.

Ness shrugs "I planted a suggestion in his mind that we were old friends and that he owed me some money from a game of chance." he says simply "And now, we have money. I can use this to make us some more." he states "We should get going if we want to get there before dark." he points out.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Sat Jun 29, 2013 5:27 pm

They start walking, they got about five miles from the hold when Cedrick suddenly Stops. Naturally, this gets Ness' attention "What's up?" he asks "What's wrong? Do you hear something?" he asks.

Cedrick turns around "There is something behind us." she says "It is big. It is flying..." she says "And it is mad." she states as a Massive dragon flies over the ridge!

*Aw hell, a dragon! Ness thinks as it lets out a mighty roar and shoots past them, then circles around and starts towards Ness and Cedrick "Damn! Ness curses "I hadn't fought a dragon in a long time and I was hoping not to have to again." he says as the dragon shoots a jet of fire at the two of them!

Ness holds his ground and erects a PK Barrier to block the fire. Cedrick didn't need to dodge the flame, but she did. Ducking into Ness' shield "First thing we need to do, is drop that dragon. Once it's on the ground, we can take it out easily." he explains as the dragon circles again.

About this time, those who were on the road were closing in to help fight the dragon. Those with bows were using them and Cedrick scoops up a handful of fire and throws it at the dragon "Chances are, like you, it's fireproof." he says as he holds up a hand, which makes an Extremely thin blade of neon green, psychokinetic energy, to cut the dragon's win and ground it.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:13 pm

The dragon, with it's outstanding vision, was able to spot the blade of energy and dodges out of the way. Little did it know that Ness could Move the blade of energy. Which he did, clipping the dragon's wing and forcing it to crash to the ground!

Ness takes off like a bullet towards the downed beast "Cedrick! Hold it!" he yells as a sword made of psychokinetic energy appears in his hand.

The gem on Cedrick's neck flashes a deep red and she makes a 'grabbing' motion as massive skeleton hands shoot out of flaming portals to hold the dragon down!

The dragon was stronger then the hands holding it and was starting to break loose. But this was all the time Ness needed to jump on it's head and drive the 'blade' home into it's skull. The beast let out a mighty roar, breaking free and throwing Ness off, then drops to the ground, dead...

Ness caught himself. The dragon's scales started to burn, leaving only the bones. Suddenly, some kind of energy shoots towards Cedrick, engulfing her, then being absorbed into her gem. The event happened so quickly, that she didn't have time to react.

She drops to her knees as the others come running over "By the Gods. You took the beast's very soul!" one says "Could She be the Dragon Born?" asks another.

Ness runs over to Cedrick "Hey!" he says as he helps her up "Alright, you all need to Back off." he says to the crowd as he starts to move a sluggish Cedrick away from the scene "Hey, so mind telling me what That was all about? he asks.

Cedrick was sitting on a rock, the villagers were still gawking in the background. She shakes her head "No..." she says slowly "I do not know what happened...I just felt...tremendous energy rush into me..." she says, trying to stand "I think...I need some place.....to rest...." she says as she passes out.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:40 pm

Cedrick wakes up, she sits up, looks around. She was in a bed in a wooden house that looked like it was beat to hell. She moves the covers off, she was in her night clothes. She assumed that Ness changed her into them. She didn't care if he saw her naked or not, he had before.

She tries to stand up, having Just enough strength to do so "I wouldn't push it if I were you." Ness says as he sets a sword down, looking like he just got in.

Cedrick wobbles her way over to a table and sits down "How long was I unconscious for?" she asks, unbuttoning her shirt. She felt very hot for some reason.

Ness shrugs "About four days." he says, taking note that she had unbuttoned her shirt "You feeling alright?" he asks.

Cedrick nods "For the most part, yes. But I feel very hot." she says "Where are we?" she asks.

Ness walks over to her and gently puts his hand on her forehead "You feel as cool as you normally do. he says "We're in a town called Whiterun. After you passed out, I carried you here, got a room with the help of our lizard friend." he explains.

Cedrick gets up "I see." she mumbles as she takes her shirt off and turns to Ness "where are my clothes? she asks, not caring that she was topless.

Though Ness considered Cedrick a close friend, he still liked seeing her outstanding body. He nods to a cabinet "They're in there. I think you should stay out of sight for now." he says "Many here believe you to be the Dragon Born. Someone with the body of a mortal and the soul of a dragon." he advises.

Cedrick walks over to the cabinet and puts her clothes back on "Your concern is appreciated, but I intend to find out what happened to me and why that dragon soul was absorbed into my gem." she says evenly as she heads out.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:52 am

Ness grabs his sword and follows Cedrick out "If nothing else, let me do all the interacting with people here." he says, catching up with Cedrick.

"Let me explain afew things first. This world has creatures in it called Daedra. They are demons and are evil. You would class as one, should people find out and you'll be activly hunted." Ness explains.

He leads Cedrick out of Whiterun "There's also this seemingly invincible evil dragon named Alduin that only the Dragonborn, that's you, can defeat." he points out "I've also been instructed to head to a magic college in a place called Winterhold where I'm to learn more about my 'gifts'." he stops at a carrage.

The guy sitting there looks down to them "Where to?" he asks "I can take ya to any of the hold capitals." he says.

Ness nods "Take us to Winterhold." Ness says as he hands over some coins.

The driver nods "Climb in back and we'll be on our way." he says and Ness and Cedrick climb on in.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:28 am

It took a bit to get to Winterhold. The roar was rough and long and it started to get cold and snowy. Ness put on a jacket and was going to offer Cedrick one, but she didn't seem to need it. They pull up to a small village "Well, here we are. Winterhold." he says as Ness and Cedrick jump out.

Ness looks around and sees a massive structure that was at the end of the village "Well, I think that's where we need to go." he says, nodding.

Cedrick  looks at it "Do you have any idea on what we can expect?" she asks.

Ness nods "Yeah. This college doesn't have the best reputation in Skyrim. But there are plenty of powerful magika users there who may have an idea on what's going on." he explains.

They walk up to the college entrance. There was an elf standing "Sorry. But we're not accepting any applicants to the college now." she says, sounding a bit upset about that.

Ness nods "I understand. We're here to see the Arch Mage about the recent dragon sightings." he explains.

The elf nods "Very well. Follow me." she says as she leads them across a twisting, crumbling bridge to the inside of the college grounds. She takes them into the anti-chamber of the college "The Arch Mages quarters are up these stairs." she says.

Ness and Cedrick wander up to the Arch Mages room, where they were greeted by an elderly man with a warm smile "Greetings, my friends. I have been waiting for you. My name is Sentus. Arch Mage of this fine college." he says, offering Ness a hand "Please, make yourself at home, I'll get some drinks and we can begin." he offers.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:01 pm

Ness and Cedrick listened to the Arch Mage as he spoke about his theory about how the dragon souls were tied to Cedrick "This is all just speculation, of course." he says "We would need to do some research before I could say for certain why the dragon soul bonded to you." he says.

Ness nods "Interesting. Would you say that the reason the soul bonded to my friend was because of her close proximity to the beast or was it drawn to the style of magic she was using?" he asks.

The Arch Mage looks delighted "How wonderful! You know magic theory!" he says "This will help speed matters along greatly!" he gets up "I have some research to do. Until I find the right tomb, would you two mind helping me on something?" he asks.

Ness knew something like this was going to pop up. He nods "Sure. What do you need us to do?" he asks.

The Arch Mage nods with a smile "Thank you my friends." he says "I have some students who are going to help out on an ancient Nord ruin and I would like you two to go with them, for protection, should they need it." he explains.

Ness nods and gets up "Alright. I'm sure nothing's gonna happen to them, but if there's a threat there, we'll handle it." he says.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:13 pm

An assistant leads Ness and Cedrick to the main chamber to meet the students and their mentor. There were three students, one was a Khajiit (a cat person), another was a Human and the last was an Orc. Only female of the group was the Human. he teacher was a Dunmer (a dark elf) and she looked like she was kinda stuck up.

Ness walks over "Greeting. My name's -" he starts, but the teacher holds up a hand, cutting off his words.

"I already know who you are." she says, Sounding stuck up "You're the babysitter that the Arch Mage believes we need." she says, turning to Ness "But rest assured that All my students are Quite capable of handling themselves." she says, turning "Come, students. To Saarthal." she says.

Cedrick looks to Ness "She seems charming" she says, then starts off. She decided to trail behind the students as they went back outside. It was snowing now, but Cedrick didn't mind or care. She just wanted to know what was going on.

It takes them half a day to get to the ruin called Saarthal. It was an underground ruin, which Ness always didn't like. One never knew when it would collapse on you. Still... Ness looks to Cedrick "Hey, you wanna send some of your lesser in and clear the ruin?' he asks.

Cedrick simply nods "As you wish." she says as she walks to the door, which was locked. She places her hand on the door and her gem glows a deep, blood red. Then she walks over to Ness about a minuet later "It is done." she says.

It was about fifteen minuets before the teacher unlocked the ruin and allowed her students and Ness and Cedrick inside. She warned them that there Might be some dangers still lingering, so they should be on guard. Ness and Cedrick knew better. Cedrick's summoned monsters were Very thorough and she didn't Just use Lesser Demons either. They were instructed to disappear once they were done.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:09 pm

As they wandered around the Nord ruin, Ness sees evidence of Cedrick's little monster's handy work. There were dead zombie-like creatures called Draugr. The students didn't seem to be having as much fun as one would think, poking around an ancient, crumbling ruin.

Ness lost sight of Cedrick, seeing as it was Very dark in there and Ness couldn't take out a flashlight. Some of the students cast Mage Light, a spell that creates a small ball of light that follows the caster.

Ness just puts on some night vision sunglasses and he was good. He was wandering about when he sees a rather nice ring on the ground. It was covered in dust and dirt, but he was able to see it. He picks it up and wanders over to one of the students.

The Khajiit named J'Zargo "Hey, I found something you might want to show your teacher." he says as he hands the ring over "I believe it adds to magicka regeneration." he says, then wanders off before J'Zargo could reply. He was getting worried about Cedrick.

As he was wandering, he sees Cedrick, she was just standing there, like she was in a trance "Hey, Cedrick." he calls "What happen..." he trails off as he enters somekind of magicka barrier that stopped all time, save for within.

Luckily Ness has a very high resistance to such fields and when he entered it, Cedrick was standing there, listening to the magicak projection of someone, who looked slightly surprised when Ness showed up.

"And who do we have here, who can effortlessly pass through one of the most powerful time barriers in all of Tamriel?" he asks, intrigued by Ness' presents.

Cedrick looks to Ness "He is my friend." she says "He has a very unique power pool that allows him certain resistances to many different types of energy." she explains "That is how he told me." she mumbles.

The image bows slightly to Ness "Then perhaps you are also the one we've been waiting for." he says "I am Orcino, first priest of the Psijic Order." he says "And all of Tamriel is in need of both of your help." he states.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:25 pm

Ness folds his arms "Okay, let me guess. There's something or someone who has or will acquire awesome power enough to destroy all of reality?" he asks.

Orcina nods "To put it mildly, yes." he says "But I have already said too much. The Psijic order doesn't get directly involved." he says "All I can really tell you, is be prepared..." he says as his image fades.

Cedrick looks to Ness "What is it that we are going to do now?" she says in an even and dead tone "Are we going to do what this 'Orcino' says and try to help these people?' she asks.

Ness nods "Yeah. Because without our help, these people and all the innocent people in Skyrim might suffer, because they don't know how to stop whatever it is that's gonna happen." he says, then looks at Cedrick "Remember, if you Have the power to help someone who needs is, isn't it your responsibility to try and help them?" he asks.

Cedrick shrugs "Possibly. If they wish for you to help them. If not, then should you try and force your help upon them?" she asks. Then looks towards an opening "We should go now. Before the others find this disaster and trigger it, unintentionally." she says as she starts off.

Ness let it be as he followed Cedrick through the newly opened path. Since the path had just opened, there were dangers in it. The zombie Draugrs and some mechanical creatures. Nothing Ness and Cedrick couldn't handle. They finally make it into a strange room with this giant, metal orb slowly spinning. It had ancient symbols carved on it and you could just feel tremendous power coming from it.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:44 pm

Ness takes off his backpack and pulls out his tricorder. Giving it a scan he frowns "This thing is giving off as much energy as the Tesseract." he says in a low tone. Then looks back at it "It's in the Starfleet data base, that's odd." he says.

Cedrick looks over to Ness, as he puts his tricorder away "What is the Tesseract and why would it be 'odd' that this thing is in the Starfleet database?" she asks.

Ness shrugs "The Tesseract is a cube around the size of a Rubix  Cube, but it's pure energy. Enough to easily destroy a planet and why it's odd that it's in the Starfleet records, means they had encountered this 'Eye of Magnus' before." he explains.

Cedrick shrugs "I fail to see how that is a problem." she says simply.

Ness knew she would "Starfleet is in a different dimension and for them to have encountered this, means it would have also had to be in that dimension." he says as he hears the others "Which also means this thing has the ability to traverse dimensions as well." he mumbles.

The teacher walks over "Well, well." she says 'This is definitely a worthy find." she says "We should see about getting this back to the college for future study." she says, a gleem in her eyes.

Ness walks over "I'm not sure taking it out of here is the best idea." he says "I'm sure you can feel how powerful this thing is and if it ever fell into the wrong hands..." he explains, but was once more cut off.

The teacher holds up a hand "Young man, you are Not here to teach this class nore are you here to advise." she says "You and your little friend are simply here to provide support, which we didn't need." she says, then turns to her students "Now, lets get this back to the college." she says.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:40 pm

As the teacher and students were transporting the Eye of Magnus back to the college, Cedrick suddenly stops and tilts her head to one side.

Ness had seen this before. She was listening to something that his ears couldn't pick up. He walks over to her "What is it?" he asks in a low tone, not wanting to throw off what she was listening for.

Cedrick looks to Ness "They need to pick up their pace." she says in an even tone"I hear the wing beats of a possible dragon again." she says. But the distant roar they all hear confirms it was a dragon heading their direction.

The teacher and students hear this and some start to panic. Ness jogs over to the teacher "Hey, me and Cedrick will hold the dragon off." he says as he can now hear the wing beats of the approaching dragon "You and the students get back to the college as fast as you can." he says as he heads back towards Cedrick.

The teacher looks stunned "You can't just Leave us here." she says "You were charged with protecting us! she says in protest.

Ness would have rolled his eyes, he it looked like they were open. He looks to Cedrick "Go with them. I'll handle this." he says as the dragon comes into view.

Cedrick looks at it, then nods to Ness "As you say." she says then jogs over to the mages "Drop whatever you do not need and let us move as quickly as we can." she says, looking at the Eye of Magnus "Including that." she says "We can return for it later." she points out.

Ness watches as the dragon flies close and opens it's mouth to attack, when Ness suddenly pulls his hands down, which causes the dragon's head to sharply pull downwards, which causes the dragon to crash!

The teacher refused to leave the Eye of Magnus, so Cedrick told them that She would handle it. As the students took off, Cedrick summoned a bunch of her minions to carry the relic, while Ness dealt with the dragon all on his own!

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:44 pm

What took them half a day to get to, only took them four hours to get back from. Cedrick has her minions carry the Eye of Magnus into the main hall, where it floated for all to see, then they disappeared in a flash of fire as starts out to aid Ness with that dragon.

The Arch Mage comes running into the main hall "I heard there was a dragon attack and Ness stayed behind to stall it!" he says to the teacher, who tells him what happened. The Arch Mage frowns "And you just Left him there?" he asks, disbelieving "No amount of magical artifacts are worth a life!" he says as he starts to main gate "Haven't I taught you that by now?" he asks as he gathers some mages to help Ness.

As they got to the main gate, it was clear that Ness didn't need any help, as he comes walking over the bridge, looking exhausted, injured, but very much alive. He nods to the Arch Mage "Don't worry everyone. The problem has been dealt with." he says.

The Arch Mage looked relieved and pleased all at the sametime "Ness my boy!" he says as he holds up a hand that was glowing with gold energy "Do you require healing?" he asks, but Ness shakes his head.

The Arch Mage escorts Ness and Cedrick to his chambers, offers them some refreshments "So, I must say, I'm a little curious about how you managed to single handedly beat a dragon." he says.

Ness shrugs "I used my abilities to pull it's head down, causing it to crash, then I made a blade out of my energy that was so sharp, that I simply cut the beast's head off." he explains. It was a bit more complicated then that, but Ness kept it simple.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:25 pm

The Arch Mage seemed doubly impressed "That's very impressive. You're a genuine dragon slayer." he states "Why don't you get some rest while I do some research on the artifact that you two found." he offers.

Ness had no kind of problem with that. As he wanders to the student dorms, finds an empty room and passes out on the bed.

He suddenly shoots bolt upright, as if he was faking the whole sleep thing. There was a commotion going on in the college. Ness could feel the energy of the Eye of Magnus and it was out of control!

He gathers his things and rushes off. The main hall was surrounded by a strange barrier. Cedrick and the Arch Mage were standing outside of it. Cedrick was holding a staff with a crystal on it "What's going on?" Ness asks.

The Arch Mage turns to Ness as he arrives "An agent of the Altmeri Dominion has taken control of the Eye." he explains in a hurry "We don't know what she's doing in there, but we suspect it's no good." he says.

Cedrick nods to the staff "This is the Staff of Magnus. The only thing that can negate the Eye's energy." she says "We are going to use the staff on the Eye, then we will stop the Thalmor agent when the Eye closes." she explains.

Ness nods "Sounds like a plan. I'll use the staff and stop the Eye, Cedrick, you stop the Thalmor agent." he says.

She nods and hands the staff to Ness "I am ready when ever you are." she says as she pulls out her beam saber.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:36 pm

But first, they needed to drop the barrier sealing off the main hall. Ness points the staff at it "To use the staff, you need to..." she starts.

But Ness throws her a look "This isn't my first magic staff, you know." he says. Then he concentrates on the barrier, which focuses the staff's energy to a single point that causes the barrier to lose power.

The two head on in and see the Thalmor agent using somekind of energy to try and gain control over the Eye. Ness points the staff at the Eye and concentrates on it as Cedrick moves to stop the elf.

The Eye starts to close and when it's shut, the elf had some kind of energy surrounding her, stopping everyone of Cedrick's attacks. Ness was protecting her and had an idea. If the staff worked on the Eye of Magnus, then it should work on this as well.

Ness moves out and points the staff at the Thalmor agent and the staff works as expected. The energy shield was gone! But by this time, the Eye had reopened and the elf was hard at work doing what she was trying to do in the first place.

So now they had a plan of attack. Ness used the staff again, only now the elf summoned some ice creatures to help her. Cedrick  made short work of them and when the eye was closed again, Ness moves to use the staff on the Thalmor, but she was trying to avoid direct line of sight, while summoning creatures to her aid.

Nothing Ness couldn't handle, since he Was faster then she ever could be. Once more the shield was down and this time Cedrick was ready, as the demi-devil runs the elf through with her beam saber!

It was over. The elf was down, the Eye was closed and all were safe. With the last of her strength, the Thalmor agent sends a kind of shock wave into the Eye, which opens it again, this time, it was more violent and out of control!

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:39 am

Cedrick drops one knee on the elf and raises a fist, ready to send it through the woman's head "Cedrick!" Bess says, getting the half breed's attention. He shakes his head, then kneels down to the Thalmor "I can heal you and you can walk away from this." he says "All you have to do, is stop the Eye from losing control and you're in the wind." he explains.

The Altmeri chuckles with a cough "T-there's No stopping it!" she coughs again "When it blows, I-it'll take All of Tamriel with it!" she laughs.

Ness' face was Blank. He pulls out a potion and tosses it to Cedrick "Get her out of here and give her this. She'll live, but she'll carry the scares of what's happened here for the rest of her life." he grumbles.

The Thalmor laughs as Cedrick hauls her up "In afew minuets, no one in all of Tamriel will have a future!" she laughs as she coughs again.

Ness knew she was right and there was little anyone could do to stop it. Not even the Staff of Magnus would be able to stop it. He knew what he had to do and chances were good he Might not survive this one. He forms a PK Barrier around the Eye of Magnus, absorbing all the energy flying off of it.

The Arch Mage and Cedrick rush over to the Hall of Elements, but Cedrick stops the Arch Mage "We can not interrupt him now." she says as she realizes what Ness is trying to do.

The Arch Mage looks on what was happening "What's he doing? Where did that energy field around the Eye come from?" he asks.

Cedrick keeps watching, ready to teleport away, if needs be "He is using his own energy to try and absorb the energy the Eye is giving off." she explains.

The Arch Mage looks stunned "He shouldn't do that! If he does, then output of energy will kill him!" he protests.

Cedrick nods "He knows this. But if he does not do this, then it will not matter. No one will survive." she says.

Ness was straining. He didn't know if he could handle this much energy all at once, but if he didn't, then a lot of people would die. Even still, he pushes to collapse the PK Barrier around the Eye and thus, taking the energy the artifact had into himself.

Cedrick was wondering if she could possibly help out in anyway. Because it didn't seem right to just let Ness do all this on his own. But as it turns out, the PK Barrier encloses the Eye of Magnus and Cedrick can see the energy of the Eye get dawn into Ness, then he strains to keep the energy in, then he falls to the ground as the Eye was completely drained of energy.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:37 pm

Ness suddenly sits up, he didn't know where he was and his mind was more then a bit fuzzy as he looks around. He was still in Skyrim, he could tell that much and by the smell, he was still in the Mages College in Winterhold.

"How are you feeling?" Cedrick asks. She was standing by one of the doors, dressed in a towel, her hair was wet, indicating that she had just got out of the bath.

Ness rubs the back of his head "I feel like hammered shit." he mumbles as he rubs his eyes "What happened and how long was I out for?" he asks.

Cedrick folds her arms "You had taken in a tremendous amount of energy from the Eye of Magnus." she explains "In fact, you had taken in all the energy of the Eye. Arch Mage Sentus says it is miracle that you are even alive." she says.

Ness shakes his head as he throws the covers off and stands up, a bit unsteady, but he stands up. Then he realizes something "Why am I naked?" he asks "Did you take my close off?" he asks.

Cedrick looks him over and nods "Yes. Your clothing was pretty well fried after you had taken in all that energy." she explains "If I may ask, and I had seen you do this many times, why do you always put your life on the line to help complete strangers?" she asks "Most of them do not even care about you and even still, you risk your life to save them. Why?" she asks.

Ness nods "I do it, because it's the right thing to do." he says "I'm not looking for anyone's approval or any kind of recognition or reward." he says "I help people and put my life on the line for them, because it's what needs to be done at times and when those times come, if I don't do what I do, then a lot of people would end up dying and that's not something I can accept." he says.

Cedrick was silent, then she walks slowly over to Ness, looking him over "And that is what makes you that man." she says simply. Then she drops her towel "You may not be asking for any reward for what you do, but I believe it is time you got one." she says as she places a hand on his face "For being the most fearless and selfless man I have ever known." she says, then kisses Ness.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:14 pm

It was about four hours later by the time Cedrick and Ness had finished their 'business'. Cedrick was asleep next to Ness. He was a bit surprised that this was Cedrick's first time. He had to admit one thing, Cedrick had Stamina, that's for sure. But now she's asleep.

Ness gets out of the bed quietly and carefully. He didn't want to wake Cedrick, she looked cute when she slept. Ness cleaned himself up and got dressed in some apprentice robes and headed down stairs.

Ness felt like a goober wearing these robes. He wanders over to the Arch Mage, who seemed quite pleased that Ness wasn't dead. He walks over to Ness, clapping him on the back "My boy, you truly Are something else." he says with a smile "Thanks to you, not only Skyrim, but all of Tamriel is safe." he says "How do you feel?" the Arch Mage asks.

Ness shakes his head "Right now, tired. But in general, no different then I normally would feel." he says "I have yet to test out my abilities, but I'm sure I'll be fine." he says.

The Arch Mage frowns "My boy, I believe it's best you pace yourself and take things very slowly." he suggests "After all, you Did absorb a massive amount of energy that could not only destroy a planet, but reshape it in anyway." he points out "To go through that and Not expect any negative effects, well, I'm sure there will be some. So until we find out what, let's take it easy." he says.

Ness nods. What the Arch Mage said made sense. He knew there Had to be some side-effects of taking in that kind and amount of energy. But Ness would have to wait until he found out What, before he could learn how to be rid of it, if that were possible "Me and Cedrick will need a place to stay in the meantime." he says.

The Arch Mage nods "You two are welcome to keep using my quarters until we have a handle on things and you figure out what you'll do." he offers.

Ness nods again "Thank you." he says "I'm gonna get some spare bed spreads, since there's only one bed, I'll let Cedrick have it and I'll sleep on the ground." he says. He didn't want to tell them that he and Cedrick kinda got a bit wild in his bed.

The Arch Mage nods "I'll send for them at once. Tonight, we'll have a grand feast in your honor!" he says as he starts off.

Ness nods and decides to head back up and check on Cedrick. She was sitting up, her legs hanging over the bed. She was healing herself. She looks at Ness as he walks in "You were something close to an animal last night." she says in an even tone "My legs hurt so much that I could not walk too well, if at all." she says as she finishes up and stands.

She was still naked and she needed to clean herself up as well. Ness gets her some water "The Arch Mage said we can stay here as long as we want..." he says, looking Cedrick over as she cleans herself up "Was...this your first time?" he asks.

She looks at him "Yes. In my previous line of work it did not leave much time for romance." she says as she goes back to cleaning herself off "Besides, who in their right mind would fall in love with a serial killer?" she asks.

Ness smiles as he gets her clothes and a towel and walks over to Cedrick and places a hand on her shoulder and turns her towards him "I would." he says with a smile.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:33 pm

Ness kisses Cedrick lightly on the cheek "I gotta fo. The Arch Mage wants me to try out my PK abilities and see id the energy of the Eye had amd adverse effects." he says, then heads on out.

After Ness leaves, a small smile crosses Cedrick's lips, then she finishes washing up, then gets dressed and heads on out to see Ness preform.

Ness was in the Hall of Elements. The Arch Mage, some students and a few teachers were there as well. Ness points a hand "PK THUNDER!! he yells as a Massive bolt of lightning shoots from his hand, striking the back wall, almost blowing it out.

Ness looks to the students and teachers. They suddenly got a slight neon tint around them as they lift into the air, at which time Ness moves and rearrange where they were standing and sets them back down.

Ness looks to the Arch Mage "Well, so far everything seems to be in order." he mumbles "It's possible that either nothing happened or that the energy takes effect under certain circumstances." he points out "If that's the case, I suggest you take it very easy for the time being." he says as he dismisses the teachers and students.

Ness nods "Gottcha." he says, then he throws a glance to Cedrick "Ya know, we never did find out why my friend is absorbing dragon souls." he points out "Which was the reason we came here in the first place." he states.

The Arch Mage smiles "Actually, after your adventures in Saarthal and what I was told happened, I did some digging and as it turns out, the creatures she's able to summon and her ability to absorb a dragon soul is just another part of her exsisting abilities." he says.

Cedrick frowns "So what does that mean for me?" she asks "That I will now be able to summon a dragon to fight for me?" she asks.

The Arch Mage nods "From what I've been able to find out, yes." he says simply "As it turns out, when you fight against something of a 'certain type' of evil and you manage to vanquish it, it's soul will be absorbed into that curious gem, much like one of our soul gems, and from that point on, you should be able to summon it to you from Oblivion." he explains.

Cedrick nods slightly "Exactly what kind of criteria is required for me to absorb the souls of these 'certain type' of creatures?" she asks "And if or when it happens again, will it be the same as the dragon soul? Causing me to lose consciousness each time?" she asks again.

The Arch Mage frowns "I can't be completely certain without more information and a lot more research, but if I were to make a guess, I would say that it depends on how powerful the soul is, is how much of an effect it'll have on you when absorbed." he says.

Cedrick nods "I see." she says in an even tone "I guess I shall have to watch what kind of creatures I slay from now on." she says in a low tone, not liking the idea of passing out in the middle of a fight.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:09 pm

Ness and Cedrick wander back to the Arch Mage's quarters. The place had been cleaned up as well. Ness was looking something over "If what the Arch Mage says is true, what are you gonna do?" he asks, looking at Cedrick, who was sitting on the bed.

Cedrick shakes her head "I do not dwell on what may be or what may have been." she says "I consentrate in what is." she points out "And right now, I see a flaw in the logic of the Arch Mage." she says.

Ness frowns "A flaw? Like what kind of flaw?" he asks "In what he told you or what he told me?" he asks.

Cedrick shrugs "In what he told me." she says "You see, if what the Arch Mage said were true, then I would not have gotten that dragon soul, for it was not I that fell the beast." she points out.

Ness thinks for a bit, running all kinds of things through his mind "I think our time on this world is coming to an end." he says "Hopefully the next world will be one with Castlevania in it." he mumbles.

Cedrick tilts her head slightly, looking very cute in the process "The demon castle of Transilvania?" she asks "Why would you wish to go there?" she asks, almost sounding curious.

Ness nods "Because if it's the modern Castlevania, there's a man named Soma Cruz, who has the Power of Dominance." he says "With it, he can absorb the souls of his fallen enemies, weither he kills them or not." he explains "I'm thinking that, because of your half devil nature, you might have developed something to the nature of the Power of Dominance." he points out.

Cedrick nods, understanding a bit more of what Ness was saying "So, because of my being able to summon creature, you believe that the nature of my power has changed to include the souls of certain fallen creatues?" she asks "That makes sense, considering the souls come from my mother. I would assume that any soul absorbed would go to her as well." she says.

Ness shrugs "Maybe. But then, maybe not." Ness says crypticaly "We know your mother gave you those gems, but what if those gems were becoming yours and this new power is a representation of your powers becoming your own?" he asks "Something to consider, huh?" he says.

Cedrick nods, liking the idea of her power being her own "I suggest we stay the night, then leave in the morning." she says.

Ness nods "Good idea. We'll eat, bid everyone a fairwell and take off." he says "We'll find out what's going on with eachother." he states.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:12 pm

It was a few hours and bedtime was upon them. Cedrick showed Ness to the wash room. It was pretty nice. It had a pool with a waterfall in it for baths and showers. Ness took both, why not? He got a spare pair of clothing out of his backpack and comes walking out, Cedrick, already having taken a bath, was laying on the bed.

She was in her night wear "Have you...ever been in love?" she asks in a low tone, not making eye contact, like she normally did.

Ness nods as he sits on the couch "In all my eight-hundred and eighty-seven years, I have only loved two people." he says "One was named Paula Pollstar. She taught me how to use my PK Abilities." he says "But that wasn't a...romantic love...It was just an, infatuation..." he mumbles.

"The second...was a Pokemon Coordinator I had met on my first years of traveling....That was a romantic love...a, passionate love...." he mumbles, clenching his fist, feeling himself getting angry.

Cedrick took note of this "What is the difference between the two types of love?" she asks, trying to change the subject.

Ness looks at her "When someone you love walks into the room and you feel your heart start to race, your breathing get sharp and your hands clammy...that's an infatuation." he says "Romantic love...is like...holding your arms out and spinning and spinning." he explains "When you stop and the world keeps spinning and no matter what you do, you can't keep your balance." he says "That's the best I can describe romantic love." he mumbles.

Cedrick takes it all in "So, love can make you dizzy and if you are not careful, you can fall." she says, thinking "That, makes sense..." she mumbles.

Ness looks her over "Why did you want to know about love all of the sudden?' he asks.

Cedrick shakes her head "No real reason." she says "I have never had the chance to experience it myself, so...hearing about it is the best I can hope for." she mumbles, then lays down "Good night." she mumbles.

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When It Hits The Fan! Empty Re: When It Hits The Fan!

Post by Namey Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:33 pm

Morning was upon them before anyone knew it and Ness was the first one up. He was always a morning person, while Cedrick was a night owl. Ness showers and gets dressed, heads down for breakfast and to get Cedrick something to eat. He would break the news to everyone about Cedrick and himself leaving.

Ness comes back to the Arch Mage's quarters, Cedrick was getting dressed. She didn't seem to mind Ness seeing her half naked. After all, the things he did to her the night before would have been enough to make even Her blush.

Ness sets the food down "Well, I've gathered supplies for our departure." he says "So whenever your're ready, we can be off." he points out "Oh, and the Arch Mage would like to see how we travel." he states.

Cedrick nods her thanks for the food after she finishes dressing "That is fine." she says simply "It is not like we have anything to hide." she states.

Ness nods "Well then, when you're finished up, we'll take off and hopefully we can find some answers for eachother." he says as he heads down stairs. He was going to get everything ready for their trip.

Ness walks over to the courtyard. He olds his hand out, looking for the energy for a PK Vortex. The Arch Mage and a few others were there standing by, watching closely what Ness was going to do.

Ness seems to find what he was looking for and sharply pulls his hand back. A sudden clap of thunder and a swirling vortex with a blue outer layer and an electric center (that was causing the outer layer to break off) opens.

The Arch Mage looks simply astonished "By the Eight Divines!" he says as he looks it over closely [color=yellow]"A portal to another world."[color] he says, almost giddy "How does it work? Where does the energy for it come from? Where does it lead?" he asks rapid fire questions.

Ness thinks for a second "It works by using psychokinetic energy to open a space/time rift to another dimension. Usually one where my talents are needed the most." he explains, answering all the Arch Mage's questions at once.

The Arch Mage smiles at Ness and Cedrick "My friends, Skyrim, indeed, all of Tamriel, owes you two a debt that we may never be able to repay." he says as he hands a satchel over to Ness "Some choice spell books and scrolls to aid you on your journey." he says, shaking Ness' hand.

Ness nods to the Arch Mage "Thank you, friend. You all take care of eachother, because no one else will." he says as he nods to Cedrick, who looks at the others and nods, then jumps into the PK Vortex and was gone! Ness nods to the others as well "Good bye, my friends." he says, then jumps in into the Vortex, which closes behind Ness.

((Ness and Cedrick are out))

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