Cedrick Darkside

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Cedrick Darkside Empty Cedrick Darkside

Post by Namey Fri May 17, 2013 9:20 pm

Character Name: Cedrick Darkside
Apparent Age: about 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 139lbs
Gender: Female
Physical Description: See Pic.
Known Relatives: Dorian Darkside (father - deceased), Regina (mother)
Race: Half devil/human.
Religion: N/A
Skills: Basic and domestic skills, swordswoman skills, Moderate M.M.A.(Mixed Martial-Arts), Musical instrumental skills (wind instruments), Occult knowledge, High school level education, Basic vehical skills, Basic computer skills, Survival skills, Advanced hunting skills (including but not limited to Cooking, Tracking, Trapping, ect.) Advanced 'Rouge class' skills (such as Breaking and Entering, Pickpocketing, Slight of Hand, Stealth, ect.), Basic ranged weapons (hand guns).
Abilities: Enhanced seances (Sight, sound, smell, touch, taste<weak against it's opposing element: solar, sonic, strong shocking smells, strong unplasent textures, bad tasting things.>), can tell a persons alignment and race.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Personality: Cedrick is dead emotioned. She says what she means and what's on her mind. She holds no feelings towards anyone, good or bad. There IS a way to unlock her emotions, but one needs to spend time with her to find out how.
Powers: Can summon the forces of the underworld (Darklings<Lesser demons>, Hell hounds<cerberus>, the Forgotten<flaming skulls>), the Fallen <giant skeleton hands>, Efreet <flaming darkling, More pending approval), can use fire to throw fireballs and is highly resistent to fire, super strength, speed, endurance and duribility. Can use her powers to heal herself (Regains part of her soul when doing so.), Teleportation.
Restrictions: The more she summons from the underworld, the more she loses her soul to it. She can't make fire, only use it to throw fireballs. All her physcial stats are 35x her weight, is fast enough to dodge attacks if she sees them coming, can do stranious moves for hours, unarmed attacks don't effect her much (Can enhance these stats 3x but at the cost of her soul). Her healing power can Only be used on herself, can't regenerate lost limbs, Needs to see or know or been to a place previously in order to teleport there.
Weapons and Precious Items: The Axe of Ever Strength: This is one of the legendary Swords of Absolution. This War Axe takes half of the combined strength of anyone or anything it kills and adds it to it's owners own strength. This effect can be stacked upon, however once the Axe runs out of energy, it starts to draw from it's owners strength. This weapon can not be destroyed and will always return to whomever claims it as it's owner (one to a customer.)
Phobias: Becoming a monster again.
Illnesses: Is slowly losing her self to her powers.
Sexual Preferences: It really doesn't matter to her.
Occupation: Avenger/vigilante
History: Cedrick is the darkness to the worlds light. She was born a half devil, her father having been sudused by a she-devil. After she was born, her mother left her and her father for dead. Having wandered from city to city, homeless and without hope, Cedrick was approched by a strange old man. There, she was told of her strange gift, her father tried to chase the man off, but the man changed into a demon and killed her father. It was this moment in her life, that Cedrick found out just how special she was as she called forth the legions of the underworld to fight this demon, who brushed them off. Upon leaving, the demon told her of an ocaraina that could destroy demons and angels and the like and that her mother sends her reguards. Laughing, the demon takes off, saying that when she was stronger, to hunt him out. From that point on, Cedrick had been looking for the demon who killed her father as well as the mother who set it all up.

Cedrick was dead. Having been felled in battle, she found herself with her emotions restored, she had been taken to the dimension of Lost. It was there that she had discovered the meaning of the emotions Anger, Rage, Jealousy and Hatred! These emotions were seemingly towards the one person who seemed to throw a 'wrench' in her works. The half demon named Monica. Feeling that Monica should be the one who was dead and not her, she made a deal with Lost to leave his realm. Lost told her that she would have to give something up in order to leave. This was an easy choice for her. She desided to give up her emotions once more. However, Lost Didn't tell her that she would be returned to Earth as a ghost. However, it wasn't long before she disvocered that there was 'Another' Cedrick Darkside in this world. This gave her an idea.

Having possessed this 'Other' Cedrick, who was now calling herself Anita, Cedrick Almosr succeeded in her plan to completely possess her and be reborn. However, Monica once more stopped her and what's more, she even managed to expel her from Anita. Right into the loving arms of her hated mother, a powerful Devil calling herself 'Regina'. Cedrick's mother took her to the underworld and told her that she had been waiting for Cedrick to come back to her. And that Regina had used her power to make Cedrick a new body, so that she could once more walk among the living and the only thing she asked, is that everything Cedrick does, would be in her name. If that was the only thing, then Cedrick guessed she didn't have much of a choice but to accept Regina's offer. Now Cedrick once more walks among us, but she has a different need driving her. The need to make things right in her world, by taking out Monica and Anita!

As Cedrick tried to make her plans reality, the strange young man, Ness, showed up before her once more. This time he didn't want to fight, instead he showed her that she wasn't alone in this cruel world and that she was going about her mission all wrong. By showing that none of the half-breed children have been suffering, as Cedrick had thought, and that she had been doing more harm then good. Ness showed her that she needed to change the direction in her life and instead of being a Hunter, she needed to be an Avenger! And so, on that day, Cedrick became something greater, nobler and more difficult then anything she's ever been as her new life started.
Status: Alive.


Posts : 14377
Join date : 2013-05-08


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Cedrick Darkside Empty Re: Cedrick Darkside

Post by Guest Fri May 17, 2013 9:26 pm



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Cedrick Darkside Empty Re: Cedrick Darkside

Post by Namey Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:46 pm


Weapons and Precious Items: I'm going to get rid of her Blade of Absolution, the Axe of Ever Strength, (saying the Entity has it) and give her a Hylian Beam Saber and standard MK-55 Blaster.

Posts : 14377
Join date : 2013-05-08


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Cedrick Darkside Empty Re: Cedrick Darkside

Post by Namey Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:45 pm


Powers: Cedrick now has the ability to absorb the souls of certain aligned creatures and treat them as summoned creatures.

Restrictions: The creatures retain all their strengths and weaknesses and when destroyed or killed, their soul go back to her, but she needs to wait to be able to summon them again. Strength of the creature depends on the cool down time.

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Join date : 2013-05-08


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Cedrick Darkside Empty Re: Cedrick Darkside

Post by Guest Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:07 pm



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Cedrick Darkside Empty Re: Cedrick Darkside

Post by Namey Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:00 pm


Powers: Because of her half Devine nature, the more followers Cedrick gets the stronger her overall powers become.

Restrictions: That works both ways. The more followers she loses, she weaker she becomes until she it back to her normal strength.

Posts : 14377
Join date : 2013-05-08


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