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Vegeta Empty Vegeta

Post by Namey Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:13 pm

World Name: Planet Vegeta
Native Races: Saiyans and Tuffles (extinct)
Currency: On world, Saiyans use a 'barter system', off world, they use galactic credits (a commonly accepted currency in the galaxy).
Religion: The Saiyans have no known religion.
Government: A royal monarchy where the strongest rules. Anyone native to Vegeta can challenge for right to rule.
Military: Most of Vegeta's military is made up of Z-Fighter class fighters. Ranging from low class warriors to elite warriors The highest warrior class so far i s 'Omega Class'. There is currently only one O-Class warrior.
Tech Level: Futuristic. The Saiyans have the ability to travel through space at many times the speed of light with their ships (usually space pods), they have advances in medical devices (able to heal serious wounds within days). They are able to communicate across the galaxy in real time. Their weapons technology and defenses are lacking, however.
Immigration: Enter Vegeta at ones own risk. While they won't Actively stop anyone from coming to their planet, they generally treat outsiders with animosity and will try to drive them off through intimidations or bullying. If one is strong enough to stand up to them, they will leave them alone.
Lands and Climate: Vegeta is an M-class planet in a binary star system. Because of the twin suns, Vegeta's atmosphere is thicker then Earth normal. As a result, lower frequency photon practicals can't easily pass through, but the higher frequency ones can giving Vegeta a red sky. Also, another result of being a binary star system, Vegeta's gravity is roughly ten times stronger than Earth normal.

Vegeta has scattered settlements all around, ranging from small villages to massive mega cities. Most of Vegeta is desert or rocky lands with forests and meadows scatters across the surface. The Southern and Northern polar regions are volcanic.

Vegeta has one moon, which never reaches it's full moon cycle.
Foreign Relations: Most Saiyans look down on most other races and as such, relations wit other worlds have always been strained. When Cooler had taken over rule of Vegeta, the Saiyans were made to attack their neighbours, which caused most other races to grow fearful of the Saiyans.

Now that Cooler's reign is over, the current ruling body is trying to make amends and rekindle lost relations with the other worlds. It's going slowly.
Political Groups: N/A
Important Figures: Queen Teala (current ruler), Joseph Reaver (the Queen's mate), Kate Reaver (princess), The Elder Lee (Omega Class warrior), Cooler (former ruler/dictator), Broly (the Legendary Super Saiyan).
Status: Open and well known to the galactic community.
Accessibility: The only current way to get to Vegeta is by way of space travel.

Posts : 14369
Join date : 2013-05-08

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