Worlds Pro

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Worlds Pro Empty Worlds Pro

Post by Namey Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:18 am

World Name: Self explanatory, name of the planet/realm or whatever
Native Races: The common native races, not counting others that came there by other means. If more then one, who do said races interact and get along with one another?
Currency: The kind of money system in use
Religion: The common religion, or multiple of that world.
Government: The ruling government. Just the more relevant parts, if multiple countries but one pretty much never shows up it may not be important to put down. The relations between the people and government is also important.
Military: It's imporant to get a overview of military, including structure titles(are they different names for common ones?)
Tech Level: If possible give a idea of the general techological level of the world(I.E. 18th century earth), and places where it may differ
Immigration: Assuming one is entering legally and it is allowed, where does one enter to visit or later along the line become a citizen of that world?
Lands and Climate: Some of the more common countries, or if its one just big place just that and the general climate. Is there anything different then normal, for example a different color sky?
Foreign Relations: How are the relations to other countries, or places outside their realm/world? How do they view outsiders?
Political Groups: Is there any noteworthy big player groups  in the political world that need to be known about?
Important Figures: What are some of the most important or well known people of that world? Ranging from certain rulers, politicians to maybe a certain warrior of note.
Status: Whether the planet is open for outside visitors or not and how well known the planet is to other races.
Accessibility: How accessable the planet is to outside races.

Posts : 14377
Join date : 2013-05-08

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